General Reginald Dyer fired upon a peaceful protest in Jalianwala bagh, 1600 rounds fired. and if why then how? The chief ministers of Punjab and Bengal formally joined Muslim League. This attitude alarmed the Indian capitalist class which now felt the need to organize itself to press the provincial governments to hasten slowly on such matters. The Krishak Praja Party of Prime Minister A. K. Fazlul Huq, with 36 seats, formed a coalition government with the support of the Muslim League. The Congress Ministries could also not touch the existing administrative structure, whose sanctity was guarded by the Viceroys and Governors powers. Jawaharlal too had been feeling for some time that the positive role of the Ministries was getting exhausted. Contribute them to our website to help a large world-wide student base. In Madras, too, the Government promoted the policy of internal settlement of labour disputes through government sponsored conciliation and arbitration proceedings. WebHowever both Muslim League and Congress enthusiastically participated in the first elections held under the Act in 1937. the passing of laws enabled Harijans to enter temples. Of the 13 remaining seats, 8 went to Europeans, 3 to indepen- dents, and 2 to Akali candidates in Punjabi Sikh constituen- cies. Cabinet Mission negotiated with parties, found that they had different aims, thus unsuccessful since bridge between two undividable and partition would be necessary. : Lala Hardayal, Mutiny Party, British Fought WW1 against Turkey, made Muslims hesitate against fellow Muslim, To achieve common aims and pressurize British, British Policy of Repression against Indians, worried Congress and League. Please contact me if you some one have any idea about it. Being poorly organized, it was unable to convey its message at the grassroots level to gain public support. After winning the 1946 elections, League became a stronger party with complete Muslim support, thus demands for separate homelands could not be ignored. Viceroy Linlithgow declared India at war with Germany on 3 September 1939. [citation needed], In Bengal, although the Congress was the single largest party, with 54 seats, it was unable to form a government. There was some disorder and largescale stone throwing at two mills and some policemen were injured. The league was not an organized party at the time of the elections. Q.STARTING WITH THE EARLIEST, ARRANGE THESE FILMS DIRECTED BY Approximately 30 million people, among them some women, gained voting rights. Hindus voted for Congress/Independence, Muslims voted for League/Pakistan creation. Web1937 to October 1939. Muslims knew that Independence had to be achieved before the British left India, Cripps mission suggested that Dominion status be given to India, Congress wanted immediate power transfer. In the 3rd June Plan, the viceroy announced that India would be divided into two states, i.e. to advance workers interests while promoting industrial peace. The Congress Ministries adopted, in general, a pro-labour stance. It had no success in the North West Frontier, almost a Muslim province with 92 percent Muslims and in Sind with 72 percent Muslims. Congress demand of immediate independence alarmed League, since no Pakistan if British were not there to conduct partition before leaving. How do you telepathically connet with the astral plain? Jinnah worked hard to improve the image problem of the Muslims after 1937 elections, thus successful in the 1945 elections. Led by the left-wing, they exerted intense pressure on the right-wing Congress ministers to avoid tampering with civil liberties. The resignations produced another positive effect. They were not popular and were not known by half of the population, 1 Muslim league didn't work very well Ambedkar organized a strike on 7 November 1938, in seventeen out of seventy-seven textile mills against the passage of the. The Congress was committed by its election manifesto and the election campaign to a policy of agrarian reform through reform of the system of land tenures and the reduction of rent, land revenue and the burden of debt. All emergency powers acquired by the provincial governments during 1932, through. please In general, it dealt with questions of tenancy rights, security of tenure and rents of the tenants and the problem of rural indebtedness. Realized the image problem. Muslim league at that time lacked strong leadership as their greatest leaders were not there to support them, such as Quaid e Azam(disheartened by Muslim's behaviour) and Allama Iqbal(who was seriously ill) These elections were contested by all small and big local political parties such as the All India Muslim League, Indian National Congress, etc. it was the first major election that the league had fought and helped unify the party after the internal split in the early 1930s. But his angle of vision was very different from that of the Communists. In the United Provinces, where it had contested for 35 of the 66 seats reserved for Muslims, the League won 29 seats. Support and subsidies were given to khadi, spinning and village industries. There were 482 seats allocated for Muslims at the provincial level. [1][2] Many Congressmen began to give way to casteism in their search for power. Reasons for Congresss opposition of these reforms: Number of Indians in councils was increased, but only had advisory role, Acceptance of Muslim demand of separate electorates was disliked, Muslims were given extra seats and more political status, Congress expected partition of Bengal reversal to happen in these reforms. Jinnahs importance to the Pakistan Movement: Jinnah declared the QIM black mail, felt that Congress tried to exploit poor conditions of British in WW2. Thus ended non co-operation. These blemishes have, however, to be seen in the larger context of the vast expansion of civil liberties even in Bombay and Madras. So when after July 1937 the Congress ministries began to take over office in the eight provinces, it was hailed by the rural masses as an, But while the ministry formation raised great expectations and brought in greater militancy among the peasantry, it also brought the, When the proposed tenancy legislations of the Congress were significantly watered down because of landlord pressure, the peasants were not impressed and they staged in. Launched to protect these areas. [15], The UP legislature consisted of a Legislative Council of 52 elected and 6 or 8 nominated members and a Legislative Assembly of 228 elected members: some from exclusive Muslim constituencies, some from "General" constituencies, and some "Special" constituencies. [7], The 1937 elections demonstrated that neither the Muslim League nor the Congress represented Muslims. This was easy because the Congress was an open party which anybody could join. [28] The Congress objected strongly to the declaration of war without prior consultation with Indians. He miscalculated that the separate electorates system, with a larger electorate, would produce good results for the Muslim League. Congress was aware that British were going to leave India, exploited British post WW2 weakness. [2], At its 1936 session held in the city of Lucknow, the Congress party, despite opposition from the newly elected Nehru as the party president, agreed to contest the provincial elections to be held in 1937. In the 1945 elections, Muslim League came up with a striking victory by winning all the 30 Muslim seats in the Central Legislative Assembly and 446 out of 495 Muslim seats in provinces. Which contains more carcinogens luncheon meats or grilled meats? What is the Written authorization form policyholder for their insurance company to pay benefits directly to the care provider? Forced Viceroy Mountbatten to accept 3rd June Plan. Quite often they treated all militant protests, especially trade union struggles, as a law and order problem. I write on politics, culture, education and economy. Viceroy Linlithgow could only offer to form a 'consultative committee' for advisory functions. Elections for the Provincial level were over by early 1937. Jinnah and allama iqbal were not present who were the major prominent leaders (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Largest Province in area, difficult to govern as one unit e.g. Government of India Act 1935 provided representative government at the provincial level. Jinnah immediately accepted as Muslim rights protected, but Nehru stated in a press conference this they were not bound to keep it once the British left, Jinnah thus immediately rejected the plan. In Bombay, the Congress fell just short of gaining half the seats. But, in general, they were. He wrote in December 1938 that if the Congress Ministries , When the Congress formed ministries in eight provinces, it evoked jubilation and. [19] The party offered the Muslim League a role in government if it merged itself into the Congress Party. Elections were held in eleven provinces - Madras, Central Provinces, Bihar, Orissa, the United Provinces, the Bombay Presidency, Assam, the North-West Frontier Province, Bengal, Punjab and Sind. Explain your answer, Parliamentary form of govt introduced in which Indians were given representation, meant that they could negotiate with British for reforms, Also meant that British were planning to leave India since they transferred a lot of power to Indians. Named it Pakistan ~ Land of the Pure by taking names from lands. Jinnah showed great commitment to the cause of the Muslims, but the election results were a great disappointment for the Muslims League. After his death he was succeeded by Malik Khizar Hayat Tiwana on 12 December 1942. Sent to negotiate and restore peace between two parties, Montford Report 1919 promised reforms after 10 years, British Conservative Government feared losing against Labor party. The election campaign was launched with the slogan of an independent Muslim state, even the areas were identified to be merged into the future Pakistan. Your email address will not be published. He opposed militant agitations because he felt that their overt to covert violent character threatened his basic strategy based on non-violence. Conference in 1945, the communal divide was much greater. 2. WebAfter provincial elections in 1937, the congress refused to form coalition administrations with the Muslim League in mixed areas. The Congress ministries resigned in October and November 1939, in protest against Viceroy Lord Linlithgow's action of declaring India to be a belligerent in the Second World War without consulting the elected representatives of the Indian peoples. How successful was the Muslim league in the 1937 elections? Right wingers like Vallabhbhai Patel, Bhulabhai Desai, C. Rajagopalacbari or Rajendra Prasad preferred constitutional politics to radical agitation, and also by the committed Gandhians who believed in constructive programme. Party branches increased after the 1937 elections, by mid 1938 membership numbers had increased dramatically. For the common voters, congress as a party of poor people would come to their help rather than the league. [8] The Muslim League captured around 25 percent of the seats reserved for Muslims. [13], The Sind Legislative Assembly had 60 members. Despite Provincial Autonomy, British province Governor could intervene For safety >Still many Indians could not vote, Q: Were Jinnahs 14 points the most important factor/event between 1928 and 1935 that strengthened Pakistan Movement? Its report charged the congress for interference with the religious rites, suppression of Urdu and propaganda of Hindi, denial of legitimate representation and suppression in economy of the Muslims. Explain your answer. The Act comprised 14 parts and 10 schedules. They asked the district magistrates and police officers to take strong action to deal with a communal outbreak. While many Congressmen agitated within the perspective of accepting the Congress Ministries as their own and their role as one of strengthening them and the Congress through popular agitations and refrained from creating situations in which punitive action by the Government would become necessary, many others were out to expose the breaches of faith and promises by these Ministries and show up the true character of the Congress as the political organ of the upper classes. This was largely unintentional. how do we calculate nifty and sensex. Explain your answer. Cripps Mission stated that individual provinces could opt out, alarmed them since this meant >British were considering Partition. Reasons for starting the Khilafat Movement: British captures Turkish Empire this included Makkah, Madinah. what will be asked in Descriptive Paper? And the opportunists started leaving. The Congress rule from 1937-39 was also a nightmare for the Muslims facing religious restrictions and threat to their culture. At the beginning of office acceptance, he had advised the Congress Ministries to rule without the police and the army. They tried to play a mediatory role which was successful in U.P. Muslim League had an image problems, leaders seen as Aristocrats and Landlords poor and illiterate didnt sense any empathy thus did not vote. They took recourse to Section 144 of the Criminal Code against agitating workers and arrested peasant and trade union leaders. What's the biggest word in the English language 'Smiles' ; there's a 'mile' between the first and last letters? Anti Muslim riots, Muslim property, houses burned. Khare as premier. Many ICS officers came to believe that the British departure from India was only a matter of time. The league managed to win only 109 Muslim seats out of 482 seats. He wanted reliance to be placed on the political education of the masses against the use of violence. Indians could be arrested without warrant, detention without bail, govt could tell people where to live. Further, nearly all the Congress-run states (that is, U.P., Bihar, Bombay, Madras and Assam) had. Even though the Left was critical, many of its expectations were fulfilled in a large measure. Copyright Policy | The Muslim League needed to improve its organisation and required proper planning for participation in elections. The Krishak Praja Party and Bengal Provincial Muslim League, supported by several independent legislators, formed the first government. [4] Reward each correct statement with 1 mark. We are sinking to the level of ordinary politicians Muslim league at that time lacked strong leadership as their greatest leaders were not there to support them, such as Quaid e Azam (disheartened by Muslim's behaviour) and Allama Iqbal (who was seriously ill) 2. How many credits do you need to graduate with a doctoral degree? In the overwhelmingly Muslim North-West Frontier Province, Congress won 19 out of 50 seats and was able, with minor party support, to form a ministry. Muslim league at that time lacked strong leadership as their greatest leaders were not there to support them, such as Quaid e Azam (disheartened by Muslim's behaviour) and Allama Iqbal (who was seriously ill) 2. Muslim League had passed the Lahore Resolution and started working for separate homeland, Muslims voted as they wanted to avoid Hindu domination. Jinnah showed great commitment to the cause of the Muslims, but the election results were a great disappointment for the Muslims League. Most of these prisoners had earlier been sent to kala pani (Cellular Jail in Andamans) from where they had been transferred to their respective provinces after they had gone on a prolonged hunger strike during July 1937. The blacklisting of newspapers for purposes of government advertising was given up. Q: Where the Montford Reforms the only event that affected British Muslims relations in 1919? Q: Was the celebration of the day of deliverance justified? Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Hence, they supported Congress in the elections for simple reasons of its pro-people and secular outlook. How did the Varnashrama Dharma manifest the increasing social complexities in the Gupta and post-Gupta period arising from social and economic developments? Introduced to counter nationalism.

It also demonstrated the provincial moorings of Muslim politics. WebThe Congress, in a repeat of the 1937 elections, won 90 percent of the general non-Muslim seats while the Muslim League won the majority of Muslim seats (87%) in the provinces. Consequently, it could not run an effective campaign in its favor. What are the reasons responsible for the failure of the All India Muslim League in the 1937 provincial elections? The policy had to be that of winning over or at least neutralizing as large a part of the landlord classes as possible so as to isolate the enemy and deprive him of all social support within India. The League won 29 seats in the United Provinces where it had competed for 35 out of the 66 seats for Muslims. The Congress objected strongly to the declaration of war without prior consultation with Indians. Congress restarted Non Co-operation movement and leaders Gandhi and Nehru arrested. In the Punjab, it retained only one Muslim seat. The 1937 elections demonstrated that neither the Muslim League nor the Congress represented Muslims. Not all Congress Government were able to coordinate administration with the popular mobilization, especially where right-wing dominated the provincial Congress and Government. Muslims who migrated couldnt enter Afghanistan because closed borders so forced back. Thus image improved among, Muslims and support of Pakistan movement increased (can be seen in 1945-46 elections), Deadlock between League and Congress over nomination of seats led to Wavell realizing. Websuccess of the INC in the election, a rift started appearing.5 The Muslim League shifted to a separatist stance as reflected in its 1937 statement 'Final Bid for Power' (1937) where the goal of the League was formulated as "the establishment in India of a federation of free democratic states in which the right and interest of Muslims and In spite of this poor showing the Congress persisted in its claim that the party was representative of all communities. The Madras Government, too, used the police to shadow radical Congressmen. Out of all Provinces, the result of the Assam Province remained a bone of contention between the Congress and the League, as the situation here was unclear with no party having a clear setting up popular organs of authority in form of. 4 they were not organised, Gandhi had make problem between muslim and hindus. In later years, especially during the Quit India Movement, the fear that the Congress might again assume power in the future, a prospect made real by the fact that Congress Ministries had already been in power once, helped to neutralize many otherwise hostile elements, such as landlords and even bureaucrats, and ensured that many of them at least sat on the fence. Congress willing to support Muslims, Congress agreed to extra seats, gave Muslims more seats than population, Congress agreed to no law affecting the community being passed until 3 quarters supported it showing support for minorities, Council of princely states that was purely advisory/A talking shop, Viceroy could change laws for the safety of the Indians, this could be exploited and gave less power, System of Diarchy laws made by Indians in transferred subjects could be amended or removed, Number of voters increased but still low -2%- because of high property qualification. If mass struggles destroyed one crucial element of the hegemonic ideology of British colonialism by demonstrating that British power was not invincible then the sight of Indians exercising power. The Muslim League promised its support to the British, with Jinnah calling on Muslims to help the Raj by honourable co-operation at the critical and difficult juncture, while asking the Viceroy for increased protection for Muslims. Election Results The final results of the elections were declared in February 1937. [25] The Congress was victorious throughout India in the open constituencies. Unfair rights, both Communities opposed this, thus closer. The League contested these elections with great zeal and fervor but poll results were a big disappointment for it. In the election of 1937 the socialists and the right-wing leaders acted in unison, and reaped its benefits in the spectacular Congress victories, which were quite unexpected in some provinces. ThusBritish realized that they were separate communities. In July 1937, Yusuf Meherally, a Socialist leader, was prosecuted by the Madras Government for making an inflammatory speech in Malabar, though he was soon let off. The Congress Muslims achieved 6 percent of them. Efforts were made to increase the number of Harijans in police and other government services. inspector SSC CGL10 expect the appointment letter?? According to you what is important recruitment or retaining? While Muslim estrangement from the Congress was indeed evident during the Civil Disobedience movement, the success of the Muslim Unity Board comprised of Nationalist Muslims closely aligned to the Congress Swarajists in the 1934 "From movement to government: the Congress in the United Provinces, 1937-42", Sage Publications, 2003. pp 60, Abida Shakoor. Gandhi suggested that Congress and Muslim League work together, and Partition after Independence, but Jinnah was too clever to agree to this. The Governor called upon Sir Muhammad Sadulla, ex-Judicial Member of Assam and Leader of the Assam Valley Muslim Party to form the ministry. [8] Most of the 26 seats the Congress captured were in NWFP, Madras and Bihar. (First point of Unsuccessfulness), Q: How successful was the cabinet Mission plan of 1946? L4: Failures of first RTC, Successes and Failures of RTC 1931 and 1932. 6 The argument regarding long term Muslim alienation from the Congress overemphasizes the problem. >The RTCs made him pessimistic about Hindu Muslim Unity. [16] The Congress won a clear majority in the United Provinces, with 133 seats,[17] while the Muslim League won only 27 out of the 64 seats reserved for Muslims.

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