Webcooked: survival by zip code transcript. system]00:00:52.092 --> 00:00:53.299Mandatory.00:00:53.299 --> 00:00:56.341- Personally I'd neverreally had to grapple00:00:56.341 --> 00:00:57.633with disaster preparedness00:00:57.633 --> 00:01:01.842'til Hurricane Sandy washeading towards my hometown.00:01:01.842 --> 00:01:03.299Are you readyfor this hurricane?00:01:03.299 --> 00:01:05.967- I got my batteries.I got my flashlights.00:01:05.967 --> 00:01:07.299I got my candles.I'm good.00:01:07.299 --> 00:01:10.299- Did you fill your bathtub up?- That I didn't do.00:01:10.299 --> 00:01:11.009- Do you know why00:01:11.009 --> 00:01:12.175we're supposedto fill our bathtubs up?00:01:12.175 --> 00:01:14.299- No, I don't.- I don't either.00:01:14.717 --> 00:01:17.299If ever there was a momentfor an emergency plan00:01:17.299 --> 00:01:20.758and a well-packed to-go kit,this was it.00:01:20.758 --> 00:01:22.299But I didn't have either,00:01:22.299 --> 00:01:25.299so I reliedon my ability to go,00:01:25.299 --> 00:01:27.217to my familyin Westchester County00:01:27.217 --> 00:01:28.092[knocking]Mom?00:01:28.092 --> 00:01:30.21718 safe milesfrom the eye of the storm,00:01:30.217 --> 00:01:34.217where last-minute preparednessshopping started early.00:01:34.217 --> 00:01:35.29900:01:35.299 --> 00:01:37.383- I just got luckyon the generator.00:01:37.383 --> 00:01:39.550I became number 99 of 100.00:01:39.550 --> 00:01:41.299- There's no more generators.00:01:41.299 --> 00:01:42.842I was here this morningat 5:30.00:01:42.842 --> 00:01:43.717- What time were you there?00:01:43.717 --> 00:01:45.383- I was there at 7:00.- What were you doing?00:01:45.383 --> 00:01:47.134And that's how I cameto find out00:01:47.134 --> 00:01:48.299that my big brother Alex,00:01:48.299 --> 00:01:51.300a computer engineerand competitive sailor,00:01:51.300 --> 00:01:54.299was also a closetdisaster master.00:01:54.299 --> 00:01:55.967- The reason you haveto have a generator00:01:55.967 --> 00:01:57.050is so you can runthe sump pump.00:01:57.050 --> 00:02:00.758Without that, you might as welljust kiss your house good-bye.00:02:00.758 --> 00:02:02.925- How do you run it?- On gas.00:02:02.925 --> 00:02:04.758- How much do you have?- I'll show you.00:02:04.758 --> 00:02:08.299We have 10, 20--we have 25 gallons.00:02:08.299 --> 00:02:10.925By the way,do you like our escape?00:02:10.925 --> 00:02:12.175- Are you serious?00:02:12.175 --> 00:02:13.508Are we allowed to come to you00:02:13.508 --> 00:02:15.299if you have power and we don't?00:02:15.299 --> 00:02:16.299- We'll let you.- Okay.00:02:16.299 --> 00:02:18.134- We can always come get you.That's why the boat--00:02:18.134 --> 00:02:19.300- In the boat?- Sure.00:02:19.300 --> 00:02:21.299- You're gonna put Momin that boat?00:02:21.299 --> 00:02:22.299- If we have to.00:02:22.299 --> 00:02:25.883- I'm not telling her that.It'll freak her out.00:02:25.883 --> 00:02:28.717Your son, he has a boat.00:02:28.717 --> 00:02:31.633In case we can't get out,00:02:31.633 --> 00:02:33.633he could come and get us.00:02:33.633 --> 00:02:35.425- [laughs]00:02:35.425 --> 00:02:36.633He has a boat?00:02:36.633 --> 00:02:37.550- In the meantime,00:02:37.550 --> 00:02:39.299evacuationsof three buildings00:02:39.299 --> 00:02:42.508- Which fortunatelywe didn't need.00:02:42.508 --> 00:02:44.299- Four downed power linesin Babylon00:02:44.299 --> 00:02:45.425with explosive results,00:02:45.425 --> 00:02:47.299and water pouredinto the streets00:02:47.299 --> 00:02:48.299of Great South Bay.00:02:48.299 --> 00:02:51.299- Electricity wasa different story.00:02:51.299 --> 00:02:52.299- As Long Island got--00:02:52.299 --> 00:02:55.800- Mom, the lightskeep going on and off.00:02:56.050 --> 00:02:57.550- Mike? WebCities by ZIP Code For more rapid delivery, please use the recommended or recognized city names whenever possible for this ZIP Code . WebIn COOKED: Survival By Zip Code, Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Judith Helfand uses her signature serious-yet-quirky connect-the-dots style to take audiences from the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave -- in which 739 mostly black, elderly, and poor Chicagoans died during the course of one week-- deep into one of our nations biggest growth 739 citizens of Chicago died in a heat wave in a single week, most of them "00:07:10.675 --> 00:07:13.13400:07:13.134 --> 00:07:16.675I walked to the ambulance,and I looked in,00:07:16.675 --> 00:07:18.883and I saw these bodiesin there,00:07:18.883 --> 00:07:23.591and they just laid heron top of the other bodies,00:07:23.591 --> 00:07:26.299like she was a quart of wood.00:07:27.217 --> 00:07:30.300And then I thought,"Well, does that mean00:07:30.300 --> 00:07:31.967"that they're gonna go getother bodies00:07:31.967 --> 00:07:35.299and lay the bodieson top of my grandmother? Whitman had outlined.00:35:28.331 --> 00:35:30.7903,200 deaths from terrorism00:35:30.790 --> 00:35:34.498are considereda national disaster,00:35:34.498 --> 00:35:38.623but 3,200 deathsfrom treatable diseases00:35:38.623 --> 00:35:40.040taking place in neighborhoods00:35:40.040 --> 00:35:42.749just due south and westfrom here00:35:42.749 --> 00:35:45.039are barely considered.00:35:45.707 --> 00:35:49.498And that's when I startedGoogling "disaster"00:35:50.039 --> 00:35:52.874Which led meto disaster prevention00:35:52.874 --> 00:35:55.957- To guarantee good health,you need clean water.00:35:55.957 --> 00:35:59.707- It filters about a gallonevery five minutes.00:35:59.707 --> 00:36:01.749- To "disaster preparedness,"00:36:01.749 --> 00:36:04.123which I soon learnedis one of our nation's00:36:04.123 --> 00:36:05.457most dynamicgrowth industries.00:36:05.457 --> 00:36:08.665- Let's start off by talkingabout emergency food,00:36:08.665 --> 00:36:11.915packaged to last 25 years.00:36:11.915 --> 00:36:16.039- And finally "disasterpreparedness Chicago"00:36:16.039 --> 00:36:18.832[helicopter rotors whirring]00:36:18.832 --> 00:36:20.415Which is how I learnedthat Cook County00:36:20.415 --> 00:36:23.039was about to show offits latest innovations00:36:23.039 --> 00:36:26.039in government-fundeddisaster preparedness.00:36:26.039 --> 00:36:30.540- This year, Cook Countywill share $47.7 million00:36:30.540 --> 00:36:34.665in urban area securityinitiative grant funds.00:36:34.665 --> 00:36:37.415- What you're gonna seeis just a handful of resources00:36:37.415 --> 00:36:40.039that are mainly paid forthrough federal grants.00:36:40.039 --> 00:36:42.290- Over here is a mobileventilation unit.00:36:42.290 --> 00:36:45.165We can clear an areaunbelievably efficiently00:36:45.165 --> 00:36:46.623using these machines.00:36:46.623 --> 00:36:47.540Mobile warehouse.00:36:47.540 --> 00:36:50.331Seven semitrailerseach with 18,000 items00:36:50.331 --> 00:36:53.081of things we neededfor the first 72 hours.00:36:53.081 --> 00:36:55.665Unified command vehicle.00:36:55.874 --> 00:37:00.039- I started getting into thiswhole question about disaster00:37:00.039 --> 00:37:02.123because of the 1995 heat wave.00:37:02.123 --> 00:37:05.165- A lot of thingsthat are in place today00:37:05.165 --> 00:37:06.373were a result of lessons00:37:06.373 --> 00:37:08.039learned from the 1995heat wave.00:37:08.039 --> 00:37:10.957If you remember 1995,we were keeping bodies00:37:10.957 --> 00:37:14.540in refrigerated food trucks.00:37:14.540 --> 00:37:17.665We now have a vehiclethat's specifically made00:37:17.665 --> 00:37:18.498for this task.00:37:18.498 --> 00:37:20.957The victim would be putinto this vehicle.00:37:20.957 --> 00:37:23.206We can hold 27 victims.00:37:23.206 --> 00:37:28.248We can chill this unitdown to 32 degrees.00:37:28.248 --> 00:37:30.039- Which is basicallya refrigerated00:37:30.039 --> 00:37:31.749morgue on wheels?00:37:31.749 --> 00:37:33.498- Yeah, I wouldn't put thatin the press.00:37:33.498 --> 00:37:35.999I-I'd flower it upa little better, but yes.00:37:35.999 --> 00:37:37.640- What would you say?00:37:37.640 --> 00:37:41.639- That's a victimcontainment system.00:37:42.015 --> 00:37:43.639- That victimcontainment system00:37:43.639 --> 00:37:46.639was just one of many big,shiny new trucks00:37:46.639 --> 00:37:48.557at this county event.00:37:48.557 --> 00:37:51.557Multiply thatby 3,142 counties00:37:51.557 --> 00:37:54.098or county equivalentsin the United States00:37:54.098 --> 00:37:56.973currently gearing upfor future disasters,00:37:56.973 --> 00:37:59.390and you startto get the picture.00:37:59.390 --> 00:38:00.639Disaster preparedness00:38:00.639 --> 00:38:04.223is a very well-resourcedendeavor.00:38:05.057 --> 00:38:06.806But what if it was possibleto repurpose00:38:06.806 --> 00:38:10.681this massive infrastructure,which already operates00:38:10.681 --> 00:38:13.890on local, regional,and national levels,00:38:13.890 --> 00:38:15.848and put it in serviceof communities00:38:15.848 --> 00:38:18.639struck by unnatural disasters?00:38:18.639 --> 00:38:21.973That was the questionon my mind when I found out00:38:21.973 --> 00:38:24.474about a disasterpreparedness conference00:38:24.474 --> 00:38:28.349taking place just two states,one floodplain,00:38:28.349 --> 00:38:31.639and one seismic fault lineaway from Chicago,00:38:31.639 --> 00:38:33.098in Paducah, Kentucky.00:38:33.098 --> 00:38:35.26500:38:35.265 --> 00:38:36.639- It's all aboutdisaster preparedness.00:38:36.639 --> 00:38:38.140We're talkingabout ice storms,00:38:38.140 --> 00:38:39.765a big earthquakethat could happen here00:38:39.765 --> 00:38:40.639on the New Madrid Fault.00:38:40.639 --> 00:38:42.057We've got peoplefrom FEMA here,00:38:42.057 --> 00:38:45.432from the Red Cross,from the USGS.00:38:45.432 --> 00:38:47.89000:38:47.890 --> 00:38:50.057- Judith Helfand.00:38:50.973 --> 00:38:52.223- Yes.- All right.00:38:52.223 --> 00:38:52.806- [laughs]00:38:52.806 --> 00:38:56.515- This is the map of the areathat we were covering.00:38:56.515 --> 00:38:58.557It's--- Six Midwest states,00:38:58.557 --> 00:39:01.015where the New Madridearthquake zone is.00:39:01.015 --> 00:39:01.848- If it was really bad,00:39:01.848 --> 00:39:03.639where would they get hiton your shirt?00:39:03.639 --> 00:39:05.639- Oh, it'd be, like,the whole Midwest.00:39:05.639 --> 00:39:09.681All the bridges you crossedgetting here will all be gone.00:39:09.681 --> 00:39:11.474- If you don't knowwhat the plan is,00:39:11.474 --> 00:39:12.723you may not have a plan.00:39:12.723 --> 00:39:15.806I'm not hereto scare you to death.00:39:15.806 --> 00:39:18.057I can, but I won't.00:39:18.257 --> 00:39:20.757- Catastrophic iceis pretty much the worst.00:39:20.757 --> 00:39:25.715- Lightning has killed at least67 people in the United States.00:39:25.715 --> 00:39:26.839[electricity buzzing]00:39:26.839 --> 00:39:29.382- After a day and a halfof lectures,00:39:29.382 --> 00:39:33.839keynotes, and workshops,one thing was pretty clear.00:39:33.839 --> 00:39:36.298Disaster preparednessis a luxury.00:39:36.298 --> 00:39:38.340It's for communitieswho are stable enough00:39:38.340 --> 00:39:41.423in the presentto worry about the future.00:39:41.423 --> 00:39:43.549- I've got a preparedness kit.00:39:43.549 --> 00:39:47.173- But what if you can'teven conceive of a to-go kit00:39:47.173 --> 00:39:51.048because you need a "to getthrough the week" kit?00:39:51.048 --> 00:39:53.21500:39:53.215 --> 00:39:57.006This is the disasterthat I started working on.00:39:57.006 --> 00:39:59.465It's a heat death map.00:39:59.465 --> 00:40:01.382These gray areasare the poorest00:40:01.382 --> 00:40:02.965sort of neighborhoodsin the city.00:40:02.965 --> 00:40:05.131- Mm-hmm.- So here's the big question.00:40:05.131 --> 00:40:12.715What if we redefine disasteras extreme pernicious poverty?00:40:12.715 --> 00:40:13.839- Hmm.00:40:15.507 --> 00:40:18.048- I didn't want to makeanyone uncomfortable00:40:18.048 --> 00:40:19.131[both chuckle]00:40:19.131 --> 00:40:20.923But, frankly,who's comfortable00:40:20.923 --> 00:40:23.465talking about raceand class?00:40:23.465 --> 00:40:26.006And even though I knewI might be putting some people00:40:26.006 --> 00:40:30.006on the spot,I couldn't resist trying.00:40:30.006 --> 00:40:33.173Isn't there a way to just thinkabout economic development00:40:33.173 --> 00:40:34.839as disaster preparedness?00:40:34.839 --> 00:40:37.131- If you're asking me,can emergency management00:40:37.131 --> 00:40:40.839solve the poverty issues,I can tell you, no,00:40:40.839 --> 00:40:43.923'cause the systems that we havenow are all about,00:40:43.923 --> 00:40:46.507we've had a major disaster,come back in,00:40:46.507 --> 00:40:48.839and restore that communityto like it was.00:40:48.839 --> 00:40:52.423In fact, the FEMA regulationssay, "Like it was.
When Expo Is Deployed What Are They Responsible For, Articles C