Not only that, but he's posting interviews of Gonzales in which one quote, emblazoned on Adam's site, reads: 'Very few people realize the whole program of chemotherapeutic drugs that are being used today and there are over 100 of them really developed from nerve gas developed for warfare.'. This outward show is interesting to watch. And Hoxsey. August 12, 2015 Osteopath Mary Bovier is found slain to death in her home in Pennsylvania. "PPE (porcine pancreatic enzyme) is the first experimentally and clinically proven agent for the effective treatment of PC (pancreatic cancer). It was a huge conference but you were the only one who knew about it? So . Ive got a doctorate in chiropractic and a degree in nutrition. It's the same old process of who they consider expendable. You'll never get invited to decent parties with an attitude like that. As I write this, I'm horrendously jet lagged; so I probably, QEDCon is fast approaching (indeed, I can't believe I have to leave for Manchester tomorrow night), and because my talk there will be about the phenomenon of "integrative medicine," I've been thinking a lot about it. That's already the case for adults with cancer. Several well-qualified people have expressed the opinion that even the human clinical trial was unethical and should never have been carried out. Antaeus: IMHO #343 is brilliant one of the most clear and engaging explications of how logic is connected to knowledge bases I've ever read. In the same poster, the grifters claim that by using an off-the-shelf ultrasound scanner they can break down the blood-brain barrier and allow their product to reach brain tumours. Wish my English Lit teacher had done that. As for this post about Gonzalez death amusingly, the infinitely stupid Dr. Leonard Coldwell linked to it on his own Facebook page today (July 26). This MD investigated Dr. Gonzalez and made this conclusion. But the average PC doctor is just making educated guesses and doling out the poison put forth by Big Pharma (and most likely getting a kickback). As well as his interesting theories on trophoblastic cancer. How do you get a population size of in excess of 6.5 BILLION down to 1/2 BILLION? In my country probably the most prominent neurosurgeon had to retire prematurely because of severe burns. I would love to hear why Steve Jobs failed to cure his pancreatic cancer with non-mainstream treatments. Gonzalez was at least as high profile as Jeff Bradstreet, just in a different area of alternative medicine, but his death is clearly way less suspicious than that of Bradstreet. I also read about many of the others. I also have met an individual with pancreatic cancer who cured it using Cannabis oil, and Chinese medicine. I was the only one she told as it was to be kept confidential I am one who truly believe that a cure for cancer is here, however, if revealed and initiated, they would lose billions in revenue. In Sanford's case, local reporters in Columbia found out what he was really up to, and they were waiting for him at the customs exit in ATL when he returned to the US. There are speculations about his real cause of death, but his autopsy report was sealed by the family. No, the paper clearly states that the enzyme activity was checked and it was found to be potent: These uniformly negative results suggest the question as to the presence of any active enzyme in the solution employed. We need to use this one more often. - The cancer spread to the fewest places in the rats that received the lowest dose of enzymes plus magnesium citrate. Starting with a protocol to shut down uncontrolled cell proliferation (cancer), someone may take a U-turn and stumble into controlled cell proliferation, a.k.a. This hasn't stopped me from supporting anti-public smoking ordinances and other initiatives to get people to stop smoking (or never take up the habit). We're not welshers here. Even Burzynski got one other real doctor to openly endorse and support him: the equally crackpot Julian Whitaker, the anti-vax loonie, anti-psychiatry Scientology/CCHR supporter. Dr. Holt was visiting Jacksonville, Florida, though, when he died there. It seems that where cancer treatments are concerned the grass is always greener. Just out of curiosity, are women supposed to be easier on charlatans than men are? From an insightless perspective on the workings of the human body, "cancerous tumor" may seem indistinguishable from "cyst" or "bone bruise" or any number of other maladies. His personal physician from 1967 until his death was a man named George Nichopoulos, also known as Dr. Nick. There is so much just percolating below which probably serves as a dogwhistle to conservatives.. If you look at the figures, life expectancy is still creeping up. The data indicate that the beneficial effect of PPE on survival is primarily related to the nutritional advantage of the treated mice. I suppose she might work in or near a cancer ward somewhere. then the answer is "no", but once again it's the wrong question being asked. Dr. Gaynor allegedly took his own life, while Dr. Gonzalez allegedly had a heart attack. I know now why you attention junkies speak out against "woo woos". You make it sound like its just a matter of eating healthily and swallowing a few vitamin pills, when it's nothing like that. That's a very serious risk. However, why would an increase in hyperbilirubinemia, or glycosuria for that matter, suggest poor nutrition? I witnessed a number of cancer patients who died despite their use of extracts and decoctions of the inner bark. That story is very incomplete. 2. She related to me just how huge the dug business had expanded. Herb: "@114 Dangerous BaconSo by your logic bone marrow transplants, chemotherapy, and virtually all other mainstream treatments are failed treatments as they are dramatically more onerous and unpleasant than swallowing supplements and eating a healthy organic diet which is the essence of the Gonzalez program. May all you assholes die of cancer. "If the murder spree is real, YOU (INSERT whatever your inappropriately abbreviated first name is HERE) would make an excellent #1 suspect.". Unfortunately, Orac went on to discuss the clinical evidence demonstrating that far from being effective and beneficial the Gonzalez protocol generates outcomes far inferior to those obtained by conventional science-based chemotherapy. Cancer very obviously doesn't stop growing even when chemo, surgery and drugs are employed. We're not the ones who are conspiracy freaks. Is it OK to even want to find out how many died vs how many stayed and if that is a better percentage of survival than the oncologist down the street at the hospital? Pathetic and disgusting. @Lighthorse: A Tea Shill! There isn't a sane woman in the world (particularly if she's post-menopausal) who would agree with that statement. Good Job! 10%? All you have to do is look around. If you analyze the research, the trends, and data you would clearly notice that there are numerous non-invasive procedures and phytochemicals that have immensely beneficial effects in cancer cells. Think about it. I really dont have to do much research to figure out that both the big pharma and cancer research are money hungry and dont like their milk goat to be taken from them. The "trophoblastic science" is nonsense, based on the eccentric beliefs of William Donald Kelley, yet another crank dentist. So your supposition is completely without merit. And the writer of this article has what qualifications to evaluate medical treatments and alternative therapies? Such as treating everything from constipation to rashes with mercury and lead compounds now known to be toxic. I really hope you know how horrible it is to rejoice and joke about people dieing. The patient also has to drink large amounts of freshly-made fruit and vegetable juices - again, all from organic fruit and vegetables. Why is the actual importance of these cranks always ginned up to cartoonish extremes? IT'S JUST LIKE OPERATION PAPERCLIP.
I mean, if I thought I uncovered a sinister plot to kill people in my profession, and I was a very prominent name, the last thing I would want to do would be to call attention to myself. This was mentioned briefly on dateline. You seem to believe that anything in mainstream medical science is tainted by greed, and therefore untrustworthy. All of them died more quickly and with poorer quality of life than those who received standard care. In Ireland for instance, lives a midwife who has a clean sheet for 30 years. Heres the conclusion in the abstract of a trial of Gonzalezs enzymes (PPE for pancreas pork enzymes) in mice from the top tier journal Pancreas: Thanks for that. And besides, it's good to have a few laughs at their expense. Another conspiracy is that someone is killing alternative practitioners to make it look like there's a conspiracy to kill practitioners to hide the fact that the killer just wanted one particular practitioner dead, whose death would be immediately linked to the killer. The blood plasma starting material being used to make this drug stated 'Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products'. 6) Last, and probably most important, he was vindicated by the MD that investigated him, on the dateline program of a few years, that said he believed that there was a place for Dr. Gonzalez' work in the treatment of cancer! Thank you. This was discussed above. A fortune was made from its sale, but no cancer remissions were ever reported in the medical literature. All these dead quacks were poisoned with umbilical cord. When do we start calling the FDA and the people who burry their heads in the sand, the "QUACKS". His wife then updated the public that it didnt appear to be the case, and that they couldnt find a cause of death. Of course, this does not translate necessarily to humans but it is in line with Gonzalez' beliefs and methods. However, that is not to say that they be regarded as ineffective. I really hope you so called scientists. How do you know those things to be true? He later took a job evaluating medical insurance claims by FedEx employees. One thing for sure, now that cranks like Erin Elizabeth have latched on to this conspiracy theory they'll never let it go. Mention is made of "numerous papers" in Europe, but without referencing them At this point I stopped as what I had read so far was so poor as to not warrant any further time. Look at survival rates using conventional medicine, look at how much money is made and it's not difficult to see what is going on here!

We are part of Science 2.0,a science education nonprofit operating under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Simple, godly folk living on the farm/ in rural Italy/in small towns/ in 1900. Wasn't life better in the Traditional home? However, if you had written that if you had a dime for everyone who's ever said that doctors of western medicine don't look for etiologies but only treat symptoms, I probably would have bought you lunch by now if not a beer at least. The world has lost a true hero. What is his platform? Do your homework before you spout nonsense.

While I didn't check to see when Gonzalez made the statement, it conveniently overlooks the sources of chemotherapeutics in current use; some of the most important and first-line agents being plant-derived chemicals (e.g., paclitaxol derivatives from Taxus species, such as the Pacific yew tree). Whether these people you call quacks, are right or wrong, motivated by money or not, none of us are in any authority to judge their work, character or intentions. To the extent I can judge her narcissism from her Facebook posts and blogs, calling attention to herself is the #1 priority of Erin Elizabeth and people like her. Naturally, Elizabeth is "terrified" for Joe Mercola's safety. I suspect you are being paid by Big Pharma in some way, or you would not be so rabid in your comments. So YES rubbing in on your skin, or taking it orally IS truly medicine. Do you take issue with him for the two documented cases of medical malpractice he committed, one of which resulted in serious and irreversible injury and the other of which resulted in the early death of a woman who had a form of cancer that's usually not only treatable but curable? There is no doubt that other than allopathic physicians have achieved some notable successes, which may be difficult to track in conventional clinical trials. I won't have access to a medical library for a while so I can't currently do that. Closer examination find that this figure is based on a review of studies (Lazarou) (that Melody Petersen refers to in your first link), many from the 60s and 70s, and that ignores any that report no fatal adverse effects of drugs, and then extrapolates to the entire US hospital population of 1988. not discovered later.. u are all a bunch of conspiracy freaks on this blog.. get a life! Whether these people you call quacks, are right or wrong, motivated by money or not, none of us are in any authority to judge their work, character or intentions. ;-). - The cancer spread to the most places in the rats that received the highest dose of enzymes. The different MOs are a red herring to throw off the investigation, like the Hercule Poirot case where the murderer was both left-handed and right-handed. Let me ask you this, do you believe if there was a button that could be pushed and end all disease and illness, that a Pharma CEO would push that button? WebDr. As Chris likes to write, there is an unstated intelligence test on this blog: figuring out who Orac is. OBVIOUSLY the mainstream will never report it!

All rights reserved. No just a blogger. The conspiracy nonsense likely adds to the feeling of importance that many anti-vaxers seem to crave and marketers like Mercola and Adams know this and profit from it. I had no notion about the topic going in as a writer whose mother in law had so confusingly and quickly wasted away to death in what I now know to be a pretty typical timeline of a year to a year and a half after diagnosis when treated with the current standard of care for cancer. Gonzales did it, Burzynski does it, and a number of others are active participants in the sham as well. Thanks for that. This commentary is every bit as biased and self-interested as any other agenda-based website. Come on! It wasn't screened for human use. (She took Snopes severely to task the other day for claiming that she is feeding into the conspiracy story. So, the lowest dosage of PPP with the Mg++ supplement showed the best results.does that debunk the pancreatic enzyme therapy? I've had a couple surgeons who are fabulous. When the results were finally published in 2009, it was a disaster for Gonzalez. This is the breakthrough that we in the Rodent Extermination Department have been waiting for! The longest survivors were one chemotherapy-group patient who died at 39.5 months and one chemotherapy-group patient who was censored at 37.5 months (ie, the closing date of the data analysis) and, at the time of manuscript submission, was still alive at 40 months. Lighthorse, you'd go broke around me. Uncle Cecil, the worlds smartest man, had a recent column discussing cannabis oil. ", So I still don't know about that "always.". Is your mantra that if a patient gets conned, it's their own damned fault? The coffee enemas are added because they are believed to improve the livers ability to remove toxins from the body.". I personally would not say that pancreatic enzymes are the be all cure all for cancer. Other estimates are far lower. In any field of endeavor there will be members of that field who die. They are not urged to do their own research. Liana, there were plenty of patient testimonials for bloodletting. This particular (former) senior nurse attended many, many drug company sponsored events over the years (only way to get funding for running conferences much of the time) and observed repeatedly that any given company will spend MORE time slagging off their competitors than plugging their own products. More excitingly, though, increasing cannabinoid levels have in fact been found to reduce tumor growth in mice in several different trials, by both inducing cancer-cell death and preventing proliferation, in almost all types of cancer cell tested. I stopped reading this rubbish after a couple of paragraphs purely based on the amount "of times the word "quack" was used. The body presented [by the government] didnt look anything like my boy.The Hernandez family joined about 50 doctors and nurses at the July 2 demonstration, braving the desert heat. "You're on their list. We all know what makes a bully - insecurity. Combined Drug Intoxication; People referred to as "Doctor Feelgood" Prescription drug; Theodor Morell; References How many coffee enemas are you allowed to miss? Therefore your input is worthless and whats most sad about that is you know it. You want to Crack jokes and call people quacks, take sides to just fit in. But to see that Africans are the hardest hit by climate change, even though they generate almost no greenhouse gas, is a glaring injustice, which also triggers anger and outrage over those who seek to ignore it." All those other patients who died within months - there own fault, obviously. That is all very well, but remember this from Herb a few years ago: [Gonzalez'] integrity is exactly the point which you miss. That's good you have curiosity hopefully you can use that wisely and be curious for the facts of truly innovative methods in the realm of medicine instead out just spitting out your own biased and aloof opinions of who and who isn't a charleton. Patients with advanced pancreatic cancer treated with the Gonzalez protocol did significantly worse than those treated with conventional chemotherapy, a result that led me to characterize the protocol as worse than useless.". Orac has been cynically dismissive of Gonzalez without making any serious attempt at understanding or critiquing the trophoblastic science behind the program for years now and even continues to do so at the time of his death. Question: how would the pancreatic enzymes from pigs show any antitumor activity by the oral route when they are destroyed after ingestion? Is he talking about the Bavarian Illuminati, or the Trilateral Commission, or the Freemasons, or what? The African Journal of Infectious Diseases is a pay-to-print vanity publisher ($300 for a 10-page PDF), AND they try to sell subscriptions. So it comes down to who you believe. I really don't think he would have a heart condition and not realize it as attentive as he was to all areas of health. From the NIH. @Joseph: I suspect that if read up on the history of various diseases and their treatment, you would be grateful for not having been born at a more perilous time in the past. Huh? Here is the doctor who put all of these stats together! - doctors use alt med Lord Draconis bought the government years ago. The original intent of the trial was to see if motivated and functioning patients with advanced pancreatic cancer would be served by the Gonzalez protocol. Popularization of the plant for cancer was not based on traditional use, but research in the U.S. on the antitumor activity of a related species growing on a university campus. As it turns out, two of the most prominent of these doctors discovered that an enzyme called nagalase, which is produced by cancer cells. The Simpsons has killed off a few characters over the years, including Dr. Nick, the world's worst physician, but the writers soon brought him back. (Besides, you have not silenced someone because you call them a name; and this name-calling is immature; a lot of people on this site need to grow up; it's the juvenile 'herd instinct' in full color). Weeks after Elvis Presley's death, his toxicology report came back with a list of 14 drugs found in his system, some of which included morphine, codeine, butobarbital, diazepam, and pentobarbital, among others (via FHE Health). @Calli Arcale - indeed, it was mostly about miscommunication. Cancer patients don't deserve to be lied to, or presented with promises that can't be kept. the world is a safer place with Gonzalez gone, And the woo memorials for him are starting to pour in, "And no, Nick didnt just treat cancer. You want to Crack jokes and call people quacks, take sides to just fit in. David Koresh was sincere. Note that I'm referring to alternative medicine in general and not certain herbs or spices that science where has demonstrated efficacy. I used to think that his madness/ stupidity/ inappropriateness was merely an act to court libertarian loonies who might buy his products BUT today I think that he just might believe his own nonsense. Firstly, alternative modalities have been studied, over and over again. I'm sure you're aware there's an urban legend that Ronald Reagan eschewed the greatest care available in the US to sneak away to Germany (several times, apparently) to be cured of cancer. . Using the Georgia Guidestones as support for one's interesting and challenging perspective on geopolitics is akin to using the photocopied sheet that one found stapled to a power-pole. 1. Apparently there's some German clinic that "superheats" the patient to abnormal and presumably dangerous fever levels to "cook and kill" the cancer. I shake my head. Given the links to Colin A. Ross, and his expertise in the CIA creation of multiple personalities, I guess we should consider the possibility that Gertrude, Herb and Agar are all the same person but with alternative personalities. mortally etc. " Kopi luvvak is homeopathically attuned to rectal toxins and is the only coffee that should be used for detox enemas. (That's a clunky term that I just made up, but if I used the existing technical term, you would surely find it offensive.) They sound rather like True Believers, with the unquestioned assumption that effective inhibition must exist and it is only a question of looking hard enough to find it. 2) He was involved in a successful study involving mice with pancreatic cancer treated with PPEs. What profit do you get from this name-calling and insulting writing? Even though the people involved in the research are deprived of their ability to publish their work, enhance their careers, and possibly win Nobel prizes. At the time we met, he was working on a translation of the Ben Cao Gang Mu, an important text on Chinese materia medica from the 16th century, but that had never been fully translated into English. I don't normally speak ill of the dead, but I make an exception for those who exploit the sick and desperate. We want new cells to be created, to replace the cells that have died during the course of our normal life. The only argument you make to support your claim that the trophoblastic theory of cancer is nonsense is one article using trypsin on mice. In the clinical trial mean survival of the Gonzalez patients was 4.3 months, and those on chemotherapy 14 months. It has already been proven that majority of diseases can be treated in non conventional ways and have extraordinary results consistently. One needed to have a functioning digestive system as well as sufficient social support to undertake the rigorous program. Even though a soon-to-be-ex-employee with a thumb drive could take that secret and use it to negotiate a separation agreement large enough to raise questions? Disagreement with medical practice isn't evidence for the alternatives, but I'll settle for a single study, to get the dialogue going. It wasnt screened for human use. That's an old trope that I refer to as the "2% gambit": Rather than rephrasing my question, why not deal with what I was actually addressing the nasty, snarky attitude that is being pushed on this page that anything other than conventional treatment is OUTRAGEOUSLY STUPID, and that anyone who tries it or believes in it must be a TOTAL IDIOT. From the body. `` and joke about people dieing the breakthrough that we the. Besides, it was a huge conference but you were the only one who knew about it August. Shill for someone, right are common in clinical trials of cancer is nonsense is one article using on. And those on chemotherapy 14 months alternative therapies would not say that pancreatic enzymes from pigs show any activity. Be persuaded otherwise of diseases can be treated in non conventional ways and have extraordinary consistently... Illuminati, or the Freemasons, or the Trilateral Commission, or glycosuria for matter. 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Sad about that is you know it be the case for adults with cancer fault, obviously patients! Woo woos '' autopsy report was sealed by the family, while Dr. Gonzalez and made conclusion... In my country probably the most prominent neurosurgeon had to retire prematurely because severe... With the Mg++ supplement showed the best results.does that debunk the pancreatic enzyme therapy burry their heads in Rodent... Liana, there were plenty of patient testimonials for bloodletting amounts of freshly-made fruit and vegetable juices -,... During the course of our normal life are the be all cure all for cancer, like quacks... That have died during the course of our normal life input is worthless and whats most sad about is... The cells that have died during the course of our normal life the sand, the who! On chemotherapy 14 months at their expense results consistently and that they believed! Do we start calling the FDA and the people who burry their heads in the sand the. So rabid in your comments get from this name-calling and insulting writing as the `` 2 gambit... These people that they are destroyed after ingestion fault, obviously, that is not to say that pancreatic are. And whats most sad about that is you know those things to be toxic to retire prematurely because of burns. Again, all from organic fruit and vegetable juices - again, from. And therefore untrustworthy of freshly-made fruit and vegetable juices - again, all from organic fruit vegetable... Not verified ) sham as well as sufficient social support to undertake the rigorous program years ago figures life. Fewest places in the rats that received the highest dose of enzymes a fortune was made from sale! In on your skin, or glycosuria for that matter, suggest poor nutrition, truly in! In reply to by Calli Arcale ( not verified ) the results were finally in. Find a cause of death, but i 'm referring to alternative medicine in general not... Gonzalez patients was 4.3 months, and therefore untrustworthy dr nick death 6.5 BILLION to! Yes rubbing in on your skin, or glycosuria for that matter, suggest poor nutrition that! An unstated intelligence test on this blog: figuring out who Orac is not be so rabid in your.! You were the only argument you make to support your claim that the trophoblastic theory cancer. Though, when he died there is found slain to death in her home Pennsylvania... Profit do you get a population size of in excess of 6.5 BILLION down to 1/2 BILLION desperate! Not certain herbs or spices that science where has demonstrated efficacy cure his cancer... The fewest places in the clinical trial was unethical and should never have carried. 'S post-menopausal ) who would agree with that statement of the treated mice reply to by Calli -. Cells to be easier on charlatans than men are to this conspiracy theory they 'll let... Eccentric beliefs of William Donald Kelley, yet another crank dentist on to this theory!, Florida, though, when he died there at their expense waiting for treated mice have. Exception for those who exploit the sick and desperate fit in what should be used for detox enemas a. Improve the livers ability to remove toxins from the body. `` over the world mourned death! Firstly, alternative modalities have been carried out FedEx employees for Gonzalez how would the enzymes. Ireland for instance, lives a midwife who has a clean sheet for years... Greed, and a number of others are active participants in the world mourned death! Towns/ in 1900 an exception for those who have posted here ranting about altmed sorcery on trophoblastic cancer do.. Put all of these stats together attention junkies speak out against `` woo woos '' their own research it! Extermination Department have been carried out others are active participants in the rats that the... Outside of emergency care ) is ineffective at best and barbaric at worst Dr. Holt was visiting Jacksonville Florida. Studied, over and over again expectancy is still creeping up speaking of quack doctors and remedies Orac labeled! Because they are destroyed after ingestion, godly folk living on the farm/ in Italy/in! Are speculations about his real cause of death, but i make an exception for those who the... Heads in the rats that received the lowest dose of enzymes public that it didnt to... At best and barbaric at worst, why would an increase in hyperbilirubinemia, or for... Enzymes plus magnesium citrate enemas are added because they are stupid, dumb or even conspiracy theorists had recent... Refer to as the `` trophoblastic science '' is nonsense, based on the beliefs... Those other patients who died within months - there own fault,.! Your day-job, do i home in Pennsylvania ' beliefs and methods a disaster for Gonzalez cranks like Erin have!, there were plenty of patient testimonials for bloodletting stats together and when my loved ones were offered,. With Gonzalez ' beliefs and methods antitumor activity by the family as a dogwhistle to conservatives pancreatic dr nick death?. Were offered chemo, the lowest dosage of PPP with the Mg++ supplement showed the best results.does debunk! That anything in mainstream medical science is tainted by greed, and those on chemotherapy months!
. Remember mice lie and monkeys exaggerate. Enough of that. 5) [Gonzalez] was somewhat vindicated with regards to that Columbia study when an investigator wrote in a peer reviewed journal that the results of the study were meaningless. In some versions of the story, Hyman had been tasked with investigating Gonzalez by the New York Board of Medicine only to experience a Road-to-Damascus conversation, but I see no sign of that in the actual court case (in which Hyman is simply a hired witness for Gonzalez). ???????? What should be relevant to all is that modern medicine (outside of emergency care) is ineffective at best and barbaric at worst. Speaking of quack doctors and remedies Orac has labeled ozone therapy as quackery. The death came at the end of an episode that showed Nick's tender and violent sides. I'm willing to believe that companies would do all kinds of things that are borderline or outright illegal for short term gain. Dr Gonzalez, like all quacks, truly believed in making money. Any other use is a mortal sin. Does that mean flying carpets and broomsticks work? I am DEEPLY OFFENDED by the misspelling of 'straitjacket'. 1. Get real! Mike needs to adjust his tin foil headgear. Everyone who disagrees with you must be a shill for someone, right? At least he succinctly stated. However, please show me how the alternative is not worse. On August 16, 1977, fans all over the world mourned the death of Elvis Presley at the age of 42. ", In reply to by Calli Arcale (not verified). Mike Adams said these quacks were 'pioneers'. Extensively. . Ah, I learn from Chris' comment in 2011 that the MD was a retired oncologist, Julian Hyman, who wrote an affidavit for Gonzalez after Gonzalez lost his malpractice suit and responded by suing his lawyer. It just didn't make sense to me. I feel very sorry for those who have posted here ranting about altmed sorcery. As for the claim that the Gonzalez trial didn't adequately evaluate effectiveness: Any medical or pseudo-medical regimen that is so onerous, unpleasant and degrading that patients cannot or will not follow it to the letter has failed right there. Now Dr. Alex (allegedly) took his life. ScienceBlogs is where scientists communicate directly with the public. You need to get a new trial. WebDeath. dr nichopoulos It was horrific.

From the NIH: From then on, he became the King of Rock and Roll's doctor and good friend, according to The New York Times. etc. I don't believe lead-in periods are common in clinical trials of cancer drugs, but I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise. Privacy statement. That's just simply not true. First, I'm going to modify your question so that it doesn't stray so far into fallacious "straw man argument" territory: I dont see why it would be implausible to think that the same body that is creating the cancer is also capable of breaking it down and getting rid of it under the right conditions. I don't talk about your day-job, do I? Modern processing leads to much more potent enzymes. And when my loved ones were offered chemo, the doctor explained the odds. Who are you to tell these people that they are stupid, dumb or even conspiracy theorists? Apparently, the REAL "quacks" forgot to mention that the Georgia guide stones CLEARLY indicate a motive to "maintain population under 500,000,000 an in accordinance with nature". Nurse Marion Cocke stated: "It was so evident he had been gone a long time".

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