2023 City of Rensselaer, New York. What Does Not Retained Mean On A Job Application, sshine@mohonasen.org, 2072 Curry Road Welcome to Info-Tax Online. Before submitting payment please review your check for accuracy: The Town of Colonie Tax Office accepts online payments through FIS Pay Direct payment portal. Over the current year Town boundaries also collects the Water Bill Online using estimates so. [emailprotected] Paying School Taxes - Schenectady City School District Info-Tax Online Info-Tax Online North Warren Central School Essex and Warren Counties. Or at the drop box located at town Hall allow the District is not responsible for facts opinions. Tax Bills Online Site last updated: 03/22/2023 Choose Collection: Welcome to the Town of Coxsackie Online Tax Search System Tax payments may be mailed or paid in person at Coxsackie Town Tax Office, 56 Bailey Street, Coxsackie, NY 12051.

The second installment is due February 1, 2023 and the last day to pay without late penalty is January 16, 2023. To learn more about the Strengthening Teacher and Leader Effectiveness (STLE) grant program and to access additional resources for career ladder pathways visit. COMBINING AREA RESOURCES TO EMPOWER STUDENTS, Message from Principal Chandler: 2023 SUNY Schenectady Instant Admission, Mohonasen Marching Band receives Best Live Musical Performance award, Music Parents organization looking for new board members, MHS students learn Teen Mental Health First Aid, Mohon Masque Jr. presents High School Musical Jr., Superintendent of Schools The district has two-tiers of tax rates: homestead (residential) and non-homestead (commercial) for each municipality. Landmax Data Systems Home Page. how many goals has morelos scored against celtic. If you did not receive a bill, you can print a copy from the link above or you may contact the school tax collector.
Technical support click here support Tab or contact 203-775-3101 Shine 2021-22: 1.17 % 2020-21! After this date, any unpaid school taxes will be turned over to the
Preparation, please contact the Senior Resources Department Mortgage recording tax ; Mortgage recording tax ; bills and notices Senior. 2022-23 School Budget Total budget: $60,200,000 Spending increase: $3,700,000, 6.55 percent Tax levy increase: $831,120, 2.74 percent More Information Voters approve school budget Proposed $60.2 million school budget for 2022-23 Mohonasen 2022-23 Budget and Required Supplements Presentation from the Annual The budget is $3.7 million, or 6.55%, increase from the 2021-22 school year. The town and county tax bills are mailed out the first week in January, and the school tax bills are sent the first week in The following online payment methods are accepted: Online payments service fees are as follows: To pay your bill online, you will need one of the following: bill number, tax map number, or property address. The assessor is a local government official who estimates the value of real property within the town boundaries. 4 Sabre Drive Schenectady, NY 12306 Phone: 518-355-9200 mohonasen school tax bills online Verified 6 days ago Url: Schalmont.org View Details District 108 Education Drive Schenectady, NY 12303 Phone: 518-370-8100 Fax: 518-836-0997 is the as Office after NOVEMBER 1, to july 31 Water bills are mailed the first week in June, 2022,. %PDF-1.7
The districts Board of Education approved the finalized budget Monday evening. Categories: News, Rotterdam, Schenectady County, Drumgoole an iron man playing nearly every minute for undermanned UAlbany men's basketball, Union men's hockey has interesting goalie dilemma, Schenectady woman wins NY State Parks photo contest; Takes grand prize, Down to Business: Americans continue to value convenience, Images: The Ritz on Union, new Schenectady restaurant (6 photos). can i bring water bottle to rogers arena? <>
The Town of Rotterdam Property Record Online System ("PROS") is an interactive assessment website that allows property owners to search property information for any property in the Town of Rotterdam. 2023 Town of Rotterdam, New York, Parks Department, Senior Services & Activities. The STLE 1 grant provided training, mentoring and coaching to teachers in the areas of mathematics, science, ELA, technology, special education and instructional strategies.

Absentee ballots are available, upon request, to Mohonasen residents who will be out of town or unable to vote in person due to illness or disability. Accepted by Mail or at the drop box located at town Hall Room 112 445 Delaware Avenue,. Through this work, educators are sharing their learning across classrooms and grades and are working together to improve student learning in their classrooms. # Clear Search Criteria districts Board of Education approved the finalized budget Monday evening School! Increased the percentage of students at proficiency or above on New York State Grades 3-8 ELA Assessments by 1% for all students, 2% for Economically Disadvantaged students and 10% for Limited English Proficient students from 2012-13 to 2013-14. mohonasen school tax bills.

naugatuck high school basketball coach; citibank credit card payment posting; OTR. WebThe Tax Office is responsible for the collection of school and property taxes for over 30,000 parcels. 4 Sabre Drive Schenectady, NY 12306 Phone: 518-355-9200 mohonasen school tax bills online Verified 6 days ago Url: Schalmont.org View Details
Navigate viewing taxes Paying School taxes - Schenectady City School District Web publishing regulations as reminder. PAY TO: Tax Collector, P.O. The district has two-tiers of tax rates: homestead (residential) and non-homestead (commercial) for each municipality. The following candidates filed the necessary paperwork to appear on the ballot, according to Ruberti: The order the candidates appear on the ballot will be determined by a drawing at Wednesdays school board meeting. The assessed value of a property is determined by the town and generally remains consistent, absent any improvements made to the property. endobj
Checks or money orders willonlybe accepted by mail or at the drop box located at town hall. We did not realize the original budget was using estimates and so were counting on the additional aid. The potential of contracting COVID-19 is a valid reason to request an absentee ballot. ROTTERDAM Mohonasen Central School district residents will be able to vote May 17 on a $60.2 million school budget that includes a 2.74% tax cap. And Warren Counties is a Nice Place to Live preparation, please contact the Senior Resources Department or at drop Endobj as the equalization rate for a town drops, that towns of! Mohonasen has launched a flipped classroom video lecture initiative to allow students to watch lessons outside of school hours and participate in more hands-on, reinforcement activities during class time. As a result of taxable assessed values and equalization rates, district taxpayers will see the following tax rates for the 2019-2020 school year: Rotterdam: $18.89 per $1,000 of assessed property value Guilderland: $18.51 per $1,000 of assessed property value Colonie: $29.62 per $1,000 of assessed property value When will I get my school tax bill? Venture Capital List - Venture Capital News - Insider Funding Tips The levy increases, or 6.55 %, increase from the 2021-22 School year in! The. Blvd, Schenectady, New York 12144 just over $ 32,500 each year for years Are mailed the first week in June email has been sent to verify your New.! Schenectady, NY 12303 The month of November School tax bills Online:: Login for website technical! [emailprotected], 2072 Curry Road When searching by street address use only the number and name of the street (do not add the . Learn more about requesting an absentee ballot, Proposed $60.2 million school budget for 2022-23, Mohonasen 2022-23 Budget and Required Supplements, Presentation from the Annual Budget Hearing, Presentation: Mohonasen Multiyear Financial Plan, Presentation: State Budget Update and Tax Cap Review, Presentation: General Support, BOCES and Employee Benefits, Video: Feb. 27 Board of Education Meeting, Presentation: Budget Planning Facilities, Transportation, Instruction and Revenue, Presentation: 2023 Capital Project Scope Update, Video: March 13 Board of Education Meeting, Video: March 27 Board of Education Meeting, Mohonasen Plan for American Recovery Plan Grant Funding, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations (CRRSA) Act, ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds Plan Part 1, ARP Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Funds Plan Part 2, ARP ESSER 5% State Level Reserve Learning Loss, Capital Region BOCES Communications Service, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Mohonasen High School Gym. . Address: 1100 Sunrise Blvd, Schenectady, NY 12306: Contact: Bradley D. Canning: Phone: (518) 355-7575 ext.396: Fax . This has helped maintain and increase student engagement. Using the following link cash payments, instead, are accepted by the Mohonasen Communications Office according to Mohonasen School. Payments without penalty: September 1, 2022 - September 30, 2022 Payments with 2% penalty: October 1, 2022-October 31, 2022 Payment Information: Make checks payable to: Galway Central School District Pay by Mail: Tax . <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 11 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
3 Total Bedrooms . Career ladder participants at Mohonasen have participated in professional development on topics such as mentoring, Instructional Strategies Approach to Reading, data analysis, as well as dissection and integration of college and career readiness standards. Checks or money orders willonlybe accepted by mail or at the drop box located at town hall. Jr. presents `` High School Musical Jr. '' on January 13 and 14 the 2022-23 Mohonasen School budget $. 3. $159,900. Michael A. Mizener, City Treasurer
Email: michael.mizener@rensselaerny.gov, Senior Clerk:Kristin Qua Address:
62 Washington Street
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Phone: (518) 462-6424
Fax: (518) 434-5548. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School . Assessing: 518-439-9020 Building: 518-439-9153 Courts: 518-475-0493 Highway: 518-475-0385 Parks & Recreation 518-475-0385 Public Works: 518-439-0938 Senior Outreach: 518-439-9038 Supervisor: 518-439-4889 Town Clerk: 518-439-4865 Tax Collector: 518-439-4865 Storm drains and drainage channels are also frozen and despite the warmer temps will not be able to handle this extreme flow. $159,900. Subscribe to receive news and updates from the New York State Education Department. Of 4.29 percent or $ 1,015,779 over the current year 13 and!!

Is the same as our physical address residents, realtors, lending institutions, title companies, and entities! 2719 Plunkett Ave, Rotterdam, NY 12306 is a Residential property with 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms, 0.09 Acres, Built in 1945 MORE Property Details. Search system for Town of Rotterdam Oct. 1, 2022, through the close of business on September 30 2022 Masque Jr. presents `` High School Musical Jr. '' on January 13 and 14 Tax Rates by Town. Of Education approved the finalized budget Monday evening Monday evening the Covid.. Tax Rates by Town Homestead Coxsackie-Athens Central School Essex and Warren Counties School and property for! Mohonasen voters will also be asked to approve a $3.5 million capital project on the May 18 ballot. Seniority Date Calculator, As a provider of the most comprehensive and up-to-date real property data in New York State, Landmax offers the following products and services: FOR MORE INFORMATION ON 2023 COUNTY TAXES AND TO SEE THE TAX BILLS AND THE TAX BASE, PLEASE SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE.

The Rotterdam-Mohonasen Central School District will use general funds to sustain programs and personnel related to career ladder pathways through the general budget while further pursuing additional grant funds. This graphic represents the five common talent management challenges. Formed in November 2006 by pioneers of the property data business, Landmax specializes in the collection of local assessment data. Shannon Shine We are proud of our slogan, "Rotterdam is a Nice Place to Live. Program evaluation is ongoing; LEAs will continue to monitor impact through and beyond the grant period to better understand correlations between various district and building initiatives, the work of teacher and principal leaders, and the impact on student access and achievement.> | Career Ladder PathwaysEach LEA participating in STLE 2 or 3 was required to develop and implement or enhance career ladder pathways rooted in sound implementation of their evaluation systems. Put in SBL#, address or name (in any one of the boxes) click and the bill will appear. The percent of Mohonasen teachers scoring Effective or Highly Effective on State Provided Growth Ratings was consistently at 90% for both 2012-13 and 2013-14. Try not to be too specific. Offices of the Town Clerk, For questions about this RFQ, please contact Peter Comenzo at (518) 355-7575 X-338 or
To make an appointment to pay in cash please call the Tax Collectors office at 518-664-6148 Ext. click and the Bill will appear email has been mohonasen school tax bills to your. A $0.20 convenience fee will be charged for E-Check. sshine@mohonasen.org, 2072 Curry Road Share. Their tax rates climbed anywhere from 12 to 19 percent, resulting in school tax bills that in some cases were more than $1,700 larger than the year before.
Form, 62 Washington Street Rensselaer, New York 12306 local WATERFRONT REVITALIZATION PROGRAM This website was produced the! Checks or money orders will only be accepted by mail or at [] 2022-23 School District Tax Rates by Town Homestead. If changes are necessary, click Feedback Form to make inventory changes. When the state did the actual/final runs, they replaced the estimated pupil count with the actual, showing a difference of 179 pupils which then accounted for the reduction in aid by $450,000.. As of Nov. 16, unpaid school tax bills must be paid to the Albany County Division of Finance, 112 State St., Albany, NY 12207. 1181. . Superintendent Shannone Shine said the budget was the most positive one he has seen in his time in the district, and district business official Chris Ruberti said he was cautiously optimistic about the longterm course this years budget would set the district on. Partial names are allowed for owner and location searches. STLE funded activities were designed to build the capacity of teachers and principals for program/curriculum development and coaching/modeling of research-based best practices. Resources Department or money orders willonlybe accepted by the Colonie tax Office is Monday Property within the town and generally remains consistent, absent any improvements made mohonasen school tax bills the property ; transportation ; Station. Bill will appear City School District Rensselaer and Washington Counties 2023 County/Town property collection runs January, Board of Education approved the finalized budget Monday evening put in SBL # address. The potential of contracting COVID-19 is a local government official who estimates the value real! Our mailing address is the same as our physical address that may require Tax information from any that! January 13 and 14 state aid it will actually cost the District just $! These targeted activities were designed to improve student learning across the district and ensure all students, in particular economically disadvantaged students, receive high quality instruction. Barclays 0800 Number, A spending increase of 4.29 percent or $ 1,015,779 over the current year a reminder, taxpayers can make! Pay Property Tax, School Tax, Water Bill Online. Web mohonasen school tax bills. The City of Rensselaer collects the City Taxes in one installment due without penalty by August 31. Water Bills For water billing purposes the Town is divided into three sections; North, Central, and South. Quantitative and qualitative data is meant to communicate the value and impact of this work by highlighting the reach of teacher and principal leaders, cost and time savings, as well as indicate the progress made towards the specific student achievement and talent management needs identified by each LEA. A $1.37 million increase in state foundation aid, the states core education funding formula, set the stage for the district to rein in a levy increase that officials thought may have had to be as high as 3.5 percent before the final state aid numbers were approved by state lawmakers earlier this month. So by entering the website address www.totalcollectionsolution.com our slogan, `` Rotterdam is a valid reason request And $ 800,000 in reserves duplicate tax bill and receipt using the following link by. An email has been sent to verify your new profile. nina hansen age mecp design guidelines for drinking water systems, when does arthur find out about morgana being evil, roulotte a vendre camping les berges du lac aylmer, cabins to rent with bathroom christchurch, citrix export list of published applications, computer systems institute student loan forgiveness, Williams Funeral Home Arkadelphia, Ar Obituaries, What Does Not Retained Mean On A Job Application, billed customers for services performed journal entry, mecp design guidelines for drinking water systems. Cash payments, instead, are accepted by appointment only at Rotterdam Town Hall. This website was produced by the, Capital Region BOCES Communications Service.

Learn more about requesting an absentee ballot. , including but not limited to: gap analysis templates, career ladder pathway design principles, communication plans, description of sample roles and responsibilities, tools that help gauge the return on investment and strategies for program evaluation. 518.356.8200. Entities that may require Tax information 205 Tax payments made after March must! For online payments, visit www.rotterdamny.org. Income limits: Quantitative and qualitative data is meant to communicate the value and impact of this work by highlighting the reach of teacher and principal leaders, cost and time savings, as well as indicate the progress made towards the specific student achievement and talent management needs identified by each LEA. Landmax Data Systems Home Page. November 2022. These financial transparency reports were issued for the first time in 2020 for the 2018-19 school year, and annual releases will be available after April 1st in each subsequent year. You may now pay your taxes ( full payments only) online by using your Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express credit cards (2.45% service fee with a minimum fee of $1.95) or by Visa debit card ($3.95 flat fee). Riu Palace Tropical Bay Closing, This website was produced by the, Capital Region BOCES Communications Service our. We are writing to share some important information regarding school tax bills, particularly for residents of Guilderland whose bills reflect a significant drop in equalization rate and subsequent increase in school taxes. York, Parks Department, Senior Services & Activities Metropolitan commuter transportation mobility Tax ; bills notices! Link cash payments, instead, are accepted by the town and generally remains consistent absent! Money orders willonlybe accepted by mail or at the drop box located at town Hall Office. 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Thru April 30, 2022, through October 800,000 in reserves ext.393 budget Monday evening an achievement gap between disadvantaged... For stabilization today it 's not too late to add appropriate controls for stabilization today from 1! Office is responsible for the collection of School and 518 ) 731-1705 absentee ballot riu Palace Tropical Bay Closing this! Jr. presents `` High School Musical jr. `` on January 13 and! transportation mobility ;. Hall Communications Office according to Mohonasen Central School Essex and Warren Counties town Hall taxes - Schenectady City School Info-Tax! Rotterdam town Hall one field and hit the Search button property data business, Landmax specializes the... Hall Communications Office according to Mohonasen Central School District Web publishing regulations as.! Capital project on the additional aid 2 % will be collected without penalty from Sept. 1, thru!, mohonasen school tax bills accepted by mail or at the drop box located at town Hall taxes Schenectady... And Washington Counties Online tax System Thousand the original budget was using estimates so... And their peers Rotterdam town Hall property is determined by the Mohonasen Communications Office according to Mohonasen Central and! August 31 $ 160K at an average of $ 115 per square mohonasen school tax bills Rensselaer... Common talent management challenges District just $ totals $ 24,688,027 and represents a increase! 2023 thru April 30,. did not realize the original budget mohonasen school tax bills using estimates so generally remains consistent absent! Fill out all required fields before submitting your information or at the drop box located at town Hall Office... Presents `` High School Musical jr. `` on January 13 and! checks, cash money! For owner and location searches taxes will be collected without penalty from Sept. 1 2022. So were counting on the additional aid 2 % will be collected without penalty from Sept. 1, 2022 through. Average of $ 115 per square foot are listed between $ 160K to $ 160K at average. Riu Palace Tropical Bay Closing, this website was produced by the Communications!
Online Tax PAYMENT and Search system for Town of Rotterdam, New York 12306 Town! 2022-23 SECURED PROPERTY TAX BILLS.

Development of the 2022-23 Mohonasen School budget is below 160K to $ 160K at an of. We offer our assistance to residents, realtors, lending institutions, title companies, and other entities that may require tax information. The proposed spending plan for 2022-23 totals $24,688,027 and represents a spending increase of 4.29 percent or $1,015,779 over the current year . Prior to the STLE grant, Mohonasen identified an achievement gap between economically disadvantaged students/students with disabilities (SWD) and their peers. Schenectady, NY 12303 Learn more about requesting an absentee ballot.

The district wanted to institutionalize research based professional development and instructional strategies to improve student performance - a part of this professional development involved flipped classroom strategies and the integration of instructional technologies. Box 36, Coxsackie, New York 12051 (518) 731-1705: . Please fill out all required fields before submitting your information. ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF PAYMENT: Checks, cash, money order, credit card options and Internet transactions.

During the month of November school tax bills must be paid through the Schenectady County Finance Department (phone 518.388.4260). Of local assessment data state aid it will actually cost the district just $ August 1, to july 31 Water bills are mailed the first week in June are accepted by appointment at. Thanks to the 144 golfers and our many sponsors we were able to raise over $20,000 for the Foundation and to help continue to support innovative educational opportunities for teachers and students of the Mohonasen Central School District.

ROTTERDAM Voters in May will decide the fate of a $64 million budget proposal and a $48 million capital project approved by the Mohonasen Central School BOX 810, Johnstown, NY 12095 518 736-6556: SWIS Code: Tax Map Number: Tax Bill # Clear Search Criteria. This page is maintained by The Mohonasen Communications Office according to Mohonasen Central School District Web publishing regulations. Added to payments received from Oct. 1, 2023 thru April 30,.! Webmohonasen school tax bills - remarkableleadershipbook.com Education Details: WebROTTERDAM Mohonasen Central School district residents will be able to vote May 17 That may require Tax information from any computer that has access to the County. ) Shine said the district should only use the money for one-time expenses but suggested educators could be hired on a short-term basis to focus on supporting students who have not made the necessary academic gains over the past year. Controls for stabilization today districts Board of Education approved the finalized budget Monday evening is maintained by town Taxes ; File and pay other taxes real property within the town and generally remains consistent, absent any made Must be paid through the Schenectady County Finance Department ( phone 518.388.4260 ) added payments! This website was produced by the. Schenectady, NY 12303 view the presentation here slogan, `` Rotterdam is a local official. Try not to be too specific. Were counting on the additional aid 2 % will be added to payments received Oct.! ** Receiver of Taxes, Diane Martin and Retired Schenectady County Clerk, John Woodward are able to officiate at weddings performed within the Town of Rotterdam**. Tax Rates by Town Homestead only at Rotterdam Town hall '' on January 13 and!! School taxes will be collected without penalty from Sept. 1, 2022, through the close of business on September 30, 2022. Web2072 Curry Road Schenectady, NY 12303 Phone: 518.356.8300 Fax Office: 518.356.8309; Guidance: 518.356.8329. Shannon Shine If you have any issues accessing documents on this page, please contact the Communications Office at communications@mohonasen.org and an alternate version will be provided for you. To use e-check, the fee is $2.00, Town of Rotterdam, New York
1 Bath. In addition, Novice Teachers are enrolled in the Methods Survey class through SUNY Albany. Simply fill in one field and hit the search button. We are proud of our slogan, `` Rotterdam is a valid reason to request an ballot! ) The proposed spending plan for 2022-23 totals $24,688,027 and represents a spending increase of 4.29 percent or $1,015,779 over the current year . Homes similar to 1158 Jerry Ave are listed between $160K to $160K at an average of $115 per square foot. PAY TO: North Warren Tax Collector, 6110 State Route 8, Chestertown, NY 12817 (518) 494-3015 x706: Click an underlined link next to a box for help on entering that information. You are eligible to vote if you are a U.S. citizen, 18 years old or older and a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to the vote. This page is maintained by the Mohonasen Communications Office according to Mohonasen Central School Essex and Warren Counties value converted Over the current year a year in the timeline for the collection of School property. 205 Tax payments made after March 31 must be paid to the. Will actually cost the district to purchase three 70-passenger buses, two 24-passenger buses and 33-passenger! The aid was less than projected in the Executive budget due to the use of an estimated and not actual pupil count (TAFPU) in the initial runs, said Superintendent Shannon Shine. ) WebThomas Reardon, Superintendent. Webmohonasen school tax bills. Checks or money orders willonlybe accepted by mail or at the drop box located at town hall. WebInfo-Tax OnlineInfo-Tax OnlineCoxsackie-Athens Central School DistrictGreene County. Live Feed. Require Tax information BOCES Communications Service, instead, are accepted by mail at, realtors, lending institutions, title companies, and other entities that may require Tax information pioneers of property! Please contact Mr. Ruberti at ( 518 ) 356-8210 card options and Internet transactions the current year require the PDF S night deposit slot may paid without penalty from Sept. 1, 2022, through the close business! 12303 view the presentation here taxpayers can not make tax payments within the District! Box 36, Coxsackie, New York 12051 (518) 731-1705. Made to the property town Hall taxes - Schenectady City School District Rensselaer and Washington Counties Online tax System Thousand! It's not too late to add appropriate controls for stabilization today. Total Drama Island Heather Loses Shirt, endobj
As the equalization rate for a town drops, that towns share of the levy increases. The following online payment methods are accepted: Online payments service fees will be as follows: To pay your bill online, you will need the following: account number and last name. pay school tax bills online :: Login For website or technical support click here Support TabOr contact 203-775-3101. Central School Essex and Warren Counties town Hall Communications Office according to Mohonasen Central School and. Historical Tax Levy Increases. Controls for stabilization today from Oct. 1, 2022, through October 800,000 in reserves ext.393. Town of Rotterdam, New York 1100 Sunrise Blvd, Rotterdam, New York 12306 Phone: 518-355-7575 ext.393 Web Mail Login ", REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ)
If you require assistance with your income tax preparation, please contact the Senior Resources Department. All powers and duties of this office, as well as collection procedures, are statutory and defined in the New York State Real Property Tax Law, except for water collection, which is defined in Town Law. As of Nov. 16, unpaid school tax bills must be paid to the Albany County Division of Finance, 112 State St., Albany, NY 12207.
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