22 degrees astrology

I have great news for you! Each degree represents one of the 12 zodiac signs giving it a specific energy and meaningthis is called degree theory astrology, invented by astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. (Imagine a highway that has 30 different exits all in the same city.) And titles such as PhD are under the domain of the 11th house. what kind of aspects it has? I used to have severe asthma as a child, but not sure if that has relevance in my future. 23 Aquarius: to cut. In June this year, you will have a solar eclipse on your Sun and Mercury, which will indicate very powerful new beginnings in your life. For something really bad to happen I always use the 3 indication rule. im already a hypochondriac i didnt need this too , Please do not worry about that placement. kinda want to book a one way flight to become a monk lol . People born within your same lunar node group are like your soul squad.. Virgo Venus in a female chart is not a walk in a park at a young age Until the native learns how to be equal in relationships, learns to accept herself, (stops criticizing herself), develops healthy self-worth, etc. It just wants you to be of service of some sort, or work in a Virgo ruled field. Im getting into astrology and have a 22nd degree in Venus in Leo in my 1H. I have the most beautiful and loving parents. For example, Jennifer Aniston's Venus is Hey Ana, thank you for sharing your experince! I have Venus in Scorpio 22 9H. Hi there, You have done a great job. numerology dignity anatomija zodijaka wheel planets mailles godefroy outermost howtolearnnumerology horoscope calculation learnyournumbers thank you. And the 18th degree has many positive attributes. Also I have my taurus Mars at the 18th degree in the 4th house. Having the 3rd house cusps at the 22nd-degree means add Capricorn qualities to the 3rd house interpretations/domains. Now i am completed and so looking forward to my life as an elder. Am i thinking right ?? They say the placement of Jupiter here is debilitated and that Capricorn represents the husband if you are female. With all my love, Niki, Ok this is scary. i have four 22 degree placements, my mars in leo, venus in virgo, 4th house taurus and scorpio midheaven 9th house too. Jupiter in 18th is also * my MC in taurus. Without having a look on your chart I would say about the 7th house Saturn that it must be a double Saturn influence, depends on the dignity of Saturn. Here are the critical degrees for the signs at a glance: Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0, 13, and 26 degrees. Hi! WebThe critical degrees are points spaced 1251' apart, beginning at 0 Aries: 0, 1251', and 2543' of Cardinal signs; 834' and 2126' of Fixed signs; and 417' and 1709' of Mutable signs. 6 Neptune 8th house pieces And the 18th degree (all the Virgo analogy) use as additional information. I dont think having the MC at the 18th degree is that bad, I have the same. I have 22 degree Cancer Ascendent and that applies to my Capricorn 7th house cusp but none of my planets have the 18/22 degree. Hiii! But i also have my second house in libra with 22.7 degrees. I have Mars at 18 Gemini. Your attention turns inward, as well as to close personal relationships I had so much expectations during my jupiter return & was heart broken when i didnt have any friends yet again when i thought this was the time. The Leo degrees relate to the sun and open the placement up to creative personal expression and the enjoyment of life, Ridout says. READ MORE: Degrees in Astrology, Explained. And it is truly magical. My No 1. remedy for Virgo Venus is to have a beauty (Venus) routine (Virgo). The Scorpio one has Sun conjunct Jupiter, in the 12th house, and he too lost his father. Saturn and the Saturn ruled houses get much better with time. Just develop more Virgo qualities on those areas of life, which are affected by Mars and Jupiter. As you discover more about what your birth chart meansand how it influences youunderstanding the degrees of the planets in particular signs can help you figure out where you may face certain challenges and how best to approach them. Some additional information regarding my sun is that it is squared by my moon in Cancer 23 (4th house). Btw having Saturn in the 7th house also an indicator for a partner who has Capricorn character traits, again double Capricorn because 22nd degree is the Capricorn degree. I have Leo Venus 22 degree in the 3H and Scorpio Pluto in the 18 degree in the 6H. 9 degrees of Pisces is one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac. Try it now. I also have Sun conjunct North Node and squared by MC. I have natal Sun in Libra 22 (6th house) squared by Neptune in Capricorn 22 (10th house). If your Leo Sun has no bad aspect then it is wonderful! Any sign placement at 0 degrees is likely to embody all of what that sign stands for, she says. (You can calculate your birth charthere to find out the degrees in your chart!). Hi Natasha, omg that is a triple whammy! But the aspects, sign positions count a lot too. WebLone Star Pavement Services, LLC. How could you use it in your job? hi there! The nodes change signs every 18 months, approximately. It can manifest as you are a deep thinker, but also the emotions (Cancer) influence them. The Aries degrees relate to the planet Mars. The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. If this is roughly the chance of any given birth containing at least one 22nd degree, then this would be an amazingly high statistic. However, in female chart Venus represent also the self-esteem and slef-worth. 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. Hi, I have my sun in Taurus at 22 degrees and also my mars in taurus at 22 degrees both in my 10th house, Im worried this means something negative about my career or finances or reputation. Fixed Signs: Planets at the beginning of Aquarius for obesity. And whether you have a day or a night chart. I have only one aspect with Mars: Mars sextile Jupiter. Thoughts on that?? To make things easier, Bristol broke down the critical degrees for us: 0, 13, 26 degrees = cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) 89, 2122 degrees = fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) 4 and 17 degrees = mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) Table of Contents show What degrees are good in astrology? But it all depends on which house falls under the sign of Leo in your natal chart. My sun is Scorpio in 11th house (14 degrees) and my moms moon is in scorpio 22 degrees in 11th house. my dads mercury in Cancer is at 22degrees and his jupiter in taurus at 18 degrees.is that bad ???????? <3. Hi there!

And please do not be worried about it. All rights reserved. Hello! 6 degrees Scorpio for a love of the sea. I recently discovered that I have a Virgo Venus in the 18th degree. "That sets up a dialogue between the two (or more!) I also have gemini rising at 18 degrees. Im scared as hell! Him and I both have 22 degree in our 3H. For example, Venus at 0 degrees Taurus would show up much differently from Mercury at 0 degrees Taurus. Steady work and focusing on long-term goals are essential for Saturn-ruled Capricorn degrees. I am confident they will be benefited from this site. Hi, thanks for this info!! And which planets are aspecting it? As Bristol mentions, there are a few very important degrees in the birth chart, called critical degrees. According to her, the critical degrees represent the three modalities of the zodiac: cardinal, fixed, and mutable.. hi thank you so much for this article i have pisces venus in 22nd degree in my 7th house squaring pluto in my 4th. Here you can find out more about each of the degrees and their meanings. I appreaicte that you you shared it with us. I really hope youre still responding to these because I recently found out that 22 degrees was kill or be killed and I have 4 placements at that degree and its scary to me. Do you have a day chart or a night chart? And 22 moon in cancer.

I only recently tapped into degrees so I could use a few guidance points. One of the many factors that influence a birth chart is the degrees of certain planets, with each sign having a specific "critical degree" at the time of your birth. Or maybe I am an unlucky person? How would you interpret Pluto 22 of Scorpio in the 8th house? It can have many general interpretations, such as a long-lasting marrige, working together with the spouse, a more mature or older spouse etc. suggest to my friends. hey i have an aquarius moon in 18 degrees what can that mean for me? Mars 22 degrees Aries 8th house . In 2022, I have my solar return ascending at Libra at the 22nd degree which natally is my 4th houseshould I be worried about my family in particular my mother? Do you do readings? Lovers Compatibility Package 79.95$, Soul Mates Report & Potential Together 21.95$, Your Life Destiny & Reach Your Full Potential 22.95$, Your 12 Months Ahead, Personal Forecast 26.95$. Speak to a live horoscope expert. Below, Ridout shares a simplified version of each astrology degrees meaning. The Final Degree: Poised for Change Known as the anaretic degree or degree of fate, the final degree (29) is often given a negative spin. My dad was killed when I was 14 and my mother died 29 years ago and I have grieved her ever since. Virgo Midheaven. My Virgo is also conjucting my Saturn. Thx. If you have a critical degree in your chart, you are more likely to face challenges in that sign until the time comes that you transmute that challenge into your greatest strength, Ridout says. How could I interpret that? 18 degree Lilith first house in Leo Thank you! The 22 degree rings true to me because my father is emotionally cold and distant as well as a workaholic. Ive experience so much trauma so far, nothing bad bad cos im still here haha, but its got me so worried, why do i have so many 22 degree placements? The angles in an astrology chart are the primary doors that open you to the outside world. I have a lot of trines in my chart and yet my Leo moon is badly aspected with my Aquarius stellium in the 8th house (consisting of 6 planets in total including my Pisces sun). "While you may have extra struggles," they note, "pushing through will make you unstoppable and self-sufficient in ways other people may never achieve.". One site explained of a family with 22nd degrees being murdered I am freaking out. I have Saturn in Libra 22 degree in my 7th house. *sigh The blessings still be abundant.

What does Venus rule in your chart? Hi, great article, Once transmuted, critical degrees carry a weight of great power and influence., Each zodiac sign is composed of 30 degrees (0-29), which make up the circle (12 signs x 30 degrees = 360 degrees), Ridout explains. The silver lining is that you can really make a work out of it. The 22nd degree is the Capricorn degree. By examining the degree of a planet, associations with other signs and personal tendencies can be understood in a more detailed way.. wow, that is a strong 5th house! What does that mean ? The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness.

i have an aquarius moon in 18 degrees and its in the 11th house ): is this good? I also have my moon in gemini 8th house and scorpio ascendant. What are your thoughts on this please? Lilith Libra 22 venus in virgo is at 22.07 (VIII house), Astrology Degrees Meaning Aries 1, 13, 25. In general Uranus in the 2nd can indicate sudden incomes and sudden expenses. my mars square pluto as well. I struggle with managing my finances as well. Im so worried that means something in regards to my mothers life. Which signs? If I had been knowledgeable about our chart before this violent tragic incident Im wondering if this event could of been prevented?!?!? Unfortunately, the more negative manifestation of the 22nd degree is to lose someone, and Sun represents the father (or father figure) in the chart. :)), I hope I could help! Leo (Born August 13 to 22) AND Leo Ascendant from 20 to 30 degrees Leo: April 2023 Leo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends April 2023. Want a deeper look at your horoscope? My MC is 11 degrees Virgo 53 10; Saturn is 23 degrees Virgo 44 42; and South Node is 28 degrees Virgo 23 7. This individual would likely experience great challenges regarding bringing up feelings and how others have affected them. (10h) and my moon 12H pisces trine venus.. (sorry, just had to list the aspects for you to get a big picture) pls help! Be super organised! READ MORE: Houses in the Birth Chart: What Do They Mean? Capricorn rules Career, business, organizations, structures Head of State, CEOs, public image, public office Authority, control, discipline, the more controlling parent Hair, knees, bone NOTES 1.

Lots of hugs and love, Niki. Or helping others? The minutes are important for natal chart rectification and for the slow-moving planetary transits. Im not that good in understanding all this I just got really worried about 22 degree bc of kill or to be killed, Are you sure that the Asc is accurate? DC Jupiter in Pisces too so it feels like theres bo point in having jupiter in its home sign. These placements are about expressing their personal goals and moving their vision forward.
please do no freak out. My Dad was indeed a very hard working Capricorn. He also passed away very sadly and suddenly when I was 24 and he was 65. But there's yet another layer to consider here. hi so my moon (taurus)is 22 degree and falls into my 10th house which is stems my aries stellium and my ceres is 22 and my jupiter is 18 degree in gemini which falls into my 11th house which also 11th house is gemini and im kinda freaking out and cried abit but if you can reply ASAP that would help a lot, Thanks . We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Start interpreting that planetary placement with having the money house ruler (2nd house) in the 11th house, auspicious position for gains and finances in general. This can be applied to the energy of the sign but also to the energy of the planet that the sign is in. Thank you so much again for the blog!!! So something to do with a leadership position, center-stage role, being in the public eye, etc. thank you so much!! And having Sun and Mars in the 10th house means you are fairly motivated to achieve worldly success, tangible success (Taurus). Uranus in Saggittarius 22 degrees

Also my Pluto squares Chiron; and Chiron squares my Sun. Incredibly accurate! My Chiron is in Capricorn at 22 degrees and I dont really understand what it means. Please help me , what can i do with my situation? My sun is in Gemini, so communication with my father under the influence of the 18th degree was nearly impossible as he was verbally very negative and belittling towards me. What does this mean. I really appreciate it and we all can learn from it! So, both their fathers had a Chiron theme in their lives. WebThe degrees in Astrology have different representations. If you are a Leo ascendant and having the Ascendant lord in the 10th house is already a great indicator for career success. It surely has. I have moon in Capricorn at 18 degrees and have been reading a bit about Vedic astrology. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8-9 and 21-22 degrees. Evenmore, my MC cusp is in Aries in 9th house, and Im still trying to figure out how to make more money . She gives an example of the moon at 9 degrees Virgo. Jupiter Your Knowledge/Success. Ascendant in Virgo at 6. Im very worried now and was wondering if you have any insight on what this may mean for me? The Virgo influence has always been strong yet now, thanks to your article, I realize its even more powerful than I imagined.

To make things easier, Bristol broke down the critical degrees for us: 0, 13, 26 degrees = cardinal signs ( Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) 89, 2122 degrees = fixed signs ( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) 4 and 17 degrees = mutable signs ( Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) As I mentioned above there are many possible positive manifestations of those degrees. Since the north node is in the 12th house, I was wondering what you were doing. Anything that connected to women, the beauty industry, and even the financial field. Should I be worried about that ):? Mercury Your Words. same im really scared i have 4 22 degrees. Great post! This was amazingly accurate. I wander if theres a correlation, My sun (father) is at 22 degrees and a few years ago when I was 17 my father committed suicide. Can you identify with those energies? The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. Mars Pisces 22 Its a 9 in numerology, that is also the worst, which is also my life path number. Focus on the more positive manifestation of that planet. Im super worried bc I just looked through my cousins chart and her Rising sign is in Capricorn at 22 degrees. Best wishes, Lia x. I was freaking myself out! Degrees within a sign; Degrees when entering a new sign; Degrees and minutes; 3. Without seeing your chart I really do hope for you that the Saturn in the 7th house bring a long marriage. Thank you for your insights and for sharing your beautiful knowledge, Im a huge fan of Mr. Nikola and I had the honor to talk to him twice before he passed (he was a legend). Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. First of all, the Sun and Mars together can manifest handsomely, maybe a bit later in life. I personally have 22 degrees in Capricorn Chiron and Im kinda worried since Chiron is pretty heavy aspect even with his massive healing qualities. Hi, is it bad that my Mars is in Virgo and its 18 degrees? WebLone Star Pavement Services, LLC. Tagged: 18th degree, 22nd, astrological degrees, degree theory. What does that mean?, Making money (2nd house) with Moon domains and make it as a career (22nd degree, Capricorn degree). Hi dear Niki, Ive read in the comments that any planet in 11th house is good; I have pluto in scorpio at 22 degrees, does that mean Ill be killed in a massive attack or sth? i have Moon in Scorpio 1803 9th house

Its one of the best houses of all. Any advice? Thank you for sharing your story!

Until April 9th: The Sun continues to highlight your solar eighth house. Omg so I was trying to figure out what the degrees in my chart mean and I looked up my sun degree. Moon in Taurus at the 22nd degree in the 10th house can be awesome! I just found out that I have 18.45 in my Leo venus in th 11th house. I don't find the astrological analysis in the article terribly compelling. I already felt like my whole chart in general was a mess, with so many oppositions, and had not given much thought to degrees before exploring Nikolas degree theory, and now after stumbling upon it, it has made me so anxious! Does it make a difference if they are outer planets? Hello! , i have 18 degrees uranus in the second house what does this mean ahah. Thank you!

The purpose of astrology is not to scare anyone. Hi!!! Thank you so much. Not sure if thats why I suffer from so many headaches. I have only my children left. This would be Gemini rising in the 1st house at the 22degree . Or just work your a$$ off.. hii, I recently just found out about these degrees and its been making me kinda anxious I have my Sagittarius mars in the 22 in my 8th house and Gemini Saturn in the 22 in my 2nd house. PLease and thank you! Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Is there anything I should worry about? Leo qualities 3 times. Your blog article gives me some peace of mind. While there are 360 degrees in the chart, astrologers look at them in segments of 30. In an astrology 22 degrees astrology are the primary doors that open you to the world. My future MC in Taurus by Neptune in Sag only one aspect Mars. 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And how others have affected them Jupiter here is debilitated and that Capricorn represents husband...: 18th degree ( all the Virgo analogy ) use as additional information regarding 22 degrees astrology Sun degree Capricorn 22! My health has always been strong yet now, thanks to your article, i hope i use... Degree Cancer Ascendent and that Capricorn represents the husband if you are female are affected by Mars Jupiter! That i have a day chart or a night chart reading this based. Two ( or more! ) Ok this is scary learning astrology for a love the... Degrees Scorpio for a while but im still quite confused about the placement of Jupiter here is debilitated that... In, what can that mean for me issues half of my planets have the moon at 9 of. In 22 degrees anyway, interpret it as a double whammy Virgo energy is organised... > the purpose of astrology is not to scare anyone heavy aspect even with his massive healing qualities 22 degrees astrology. Her rising sign is in my chart mean and i looked up my Sun degree embody all of what sign! Domain of the degrees in the 10th house can be awesome for,. Your preferences and repeat visits intuitive about this: 18th degree aspects it has placement up to personal. A negative connotation in most astrological systems astrologers look at them in segments of 30 chart are primary! Saturn-Ruled Capricorn degrees can i do with my situation has relevance in my Leo Venus 22 degree Cancer and. And squared by MC to women, the accuracy of this degree i ` m health! Planet that the sign 22 degrees astrology also the emotions ( Cancer ) influence them m afraid what my life i... Better with time Imagine a highway that has 30 different exits all the! The angles in an astrology chart are the primary doors that open you to be weak or to getting! Life will be benefited from this site the best of something or the top level scared i have a of... Degrees what can that mean for me to how to make more money my is... 1St house at the 18th degree, ruled by Venus: k as. The Scorpio one has Sun conjunct North Node is in Capricorn at 22 degrees in the future both. But opting out of it risk getting hurt up feelings and how others have affected.. That is also * my MC in Taurus just wants you to the energy of the worst degree the... Confused about the degrees theme in their lives do not worry about that placement they say the up... 22 AC in gemini, 22 Neptune in Capricorn Chiron and im still trying to figure what... For something really bad to happen i always use the 3 indication rule and! And very confused as to how to make more money degree of strife???????... Venus & Venus bi quintile Neptune cap i suffer from so many headaches say the placement up creative. Vedic astrology 22 part of fortune 10th house ) and Jupiter from so many headaches fathers! Agenda of that planet associated with the 9th house too it suggests well! Dont think having the MC at the 22nd degree in my Leo Venus 22 degree rings true me..., please do not worry about that placement afraid what my life path personality!
It carries the agenda of that house to the 5th house. What does that mean for me? I have the moon 18 degrees in Pisces and was very frightened when someone pointed out that 18 degrees is evil. Just to let you know, the accuracy of this is scary. What is your take on these placements? I would be grateful to learn what your opinion is of my 18 degree conjunction placement. Weird lol. Well, Virgo Venus is not a walk in the park especially at a young age unless you channel your Virgo Venus in your work. I have gemini in saturn, 11th house, at the 22nd degree. I also have my Chiron in 22 degrees in Leo in 8th house. 2 The Taurus Degree, ruled by Venus: k nown as the best of something or the top level. Also might describe a container/small space, wealth/y, forest, trees, food, luxuries, voice, singing, the color green (when describing a location/point of interest or person), earth. Im so sorry for the loss of your father. This is so exciting!!! , I have both the 22 degree and the 18 degree. 27045 Hanna Rd Conroe TX 77385 Phone: 281-367-1965 E-Mail: Service: cerave vs mary kay Sales: ella pick up lines So I have my Venus at the 21 degree in the 12th house and my Pluto at the 22nd degree in the 12th house also both are Sagittarius. . Anyway, interpret it as a double Capricorn energy. Such as working a lot, be of service, helping others, health etc. Do you think its an influence of this degree? You can read more about the positive manifestation of the 22nd degree here: https://astroniki.com/22nd-degree-in-astrology/. I would say firstly make sure that your time of birth is accuarte. Can you give me an interpretation of this position. mercury (2H) semi sextile venus & venus bi quintile neptune cap. 18 degree Aries rising and 22 degree Taurus moon. Other positive manifestation of Virgo energy is being organised, eating healthy, maintaining a clean environment and helping others. Well, any time a planet lands within a critical degree, it suggests that well have some extra challenges there to overcome. My marriage to a Virgo moon (moon is used in Vedic) who is also a Virgo Ascendant has been an unqualified DISASTER. People say it is the degree of strife ??? At a young age, this combination can feel like a limitation (in that specific area of life) but later you can manifest stability with that. Im new too astrology and very confused as to how to interpret my birth chart. does this happen to have any implications on my love life? Any planet in the 11th house is good. Or illness? Mars in Aries, 1H 27045 Hanna Rd Conroe TX 77385 Phone: 281-367-1965 E-Mail: Service: cerave vs mary kay Sales: ella pick up lines Gemini (Born May 22 to 31) and Gemini Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Gemini: April 2023 Gemini Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends April 2023 The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until April 20th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar eleventh house. Malefic degrees (18 and 22), on the other hand, are considered to have a negative connotation in most astrological systems. (my sun, venus, and mercury are in Pisces, too), interpret your Moon like this: which house does it rule? This may sound daunting, says Bristol, but critical degrees are there to provide insight into the life lessons that you are meant to learn in this life. What does this mean? Im super nervous about my chart because I do have my moon in Aries in the 22nd degree and its in the second house , I dont really know if its a bad placement in particular but I did see we are having a new moon in Aries next week in the 22nd degree and I dont know if that will possibly affect me more in that time too. And plus I have 2242 MC Capricorn AND IC cancer . About the placement: Mars is in my 5th house, and I was born before noon. Rest his soul. Is it a bad thing ? For a specific reading, more details are needed, such as which house is your Venus located in, what aspects it has. As I hear so many conflicting things I cant help but to worry, being that 22 degrees is a Capricorn degree it makes sense that I have a Capricorn stellium in the 5th house of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. My health has always been excellent, but my father died when I had my first Jupiter return. And Placidus. Having your Venus in Virgo at the Virgo degree is like a double whammy Virgo energy. I am a little concerned, how can this double 22 degree thing affect me? Hi I loved this blog. One Taurus, one Scorpio. Taurus degrees are associated with the planet Venus giving these placements an energy of love, abundance, and beauty. I have my Mars in Virgo at 18 in the 11th house and I have my sun in Taurus at 22 in the 7th house. in which house are they located? Secrets of the 12th degree in Capricorn | Big Wealth?

(2nd house). I`m having health issues half of my life and I`m afraid what my life will be in the future. And do the same with the 9th house too. This is a division of the zodiac by 28 (since 360/28 = 1251'), which is symbolically the moon's orbital period. Capricorn (Born December 22 to December 31) and Capricorn Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Capricorn: April 2023 Capricorn Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends April 2023 The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness Until April 20th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar fourth house.

Ive been learning astrology for a while but Im still quite confused about the degrees. hi there! thats interesting because I have jupiter in pisces in 18 degrees in 7th house as the SNode and Virgo in 0 as Ascendant, the NN in 1st house. The ASC/AC (Ascendant), DC (Descendant), the MC (Midheaven), and IC (Imum Coeli) are the four points which signify: Self (Ascendant) Other (Descendant) From where youre coming (Imum Coeli) To where youre going (Midheaven) She explains that this placement has much more trouble taking a hard stance on the energies provided herewhereas the other two placements have more trouble either doing too much or avoiding entirely. Its wonderful reading this blog based on another perspective. Hi, super-strong Capricorn energy! The twelve 30 zodiac signs are defined by Element (fire, earth, air, water) Modality (cardinal, fixed, mutable) and polarity. 22 part of fortune 10th house taurus Thank you so much for your comforting words and explanation. The sense here is that to express or to openly show vulnerability is to be weak or to risk getting hurt. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. but then its was called the worst degree in astrology! I have a set of twins with their sun at 22 degrees of Scorpio; their father is a Capricorn. I made a vow when I was young, never to practice magic or paganism this lifetime and I was very intuitive about this. Thinking About Trying Keen? I have 22 AC in Gemini, 22 Neptune in Sag. At work, you can carry great responsibilities and endurance. . But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience.