importance of being independent woman

In contrast, the interdependent self emphasizes relationships, similarities to others, adjusting to others and fitting in with ones social surroundings. Try being more assertive in your relationships. This will allow you to balance. You can support other peoples ideas and dreams. This is something we should all strive for, even after college where knowledge is structured. She is proactive, not reactive. Confidence is always a desired attribute- it makes a person very employable, reliable, and efficient. You grabbed my hand and stuck it out the opening of the window and said to me, "Open your palm, every snowflake you catch is a reminder of every reason I love you. There might be affiliate links on some of the pages of this site, which means we could earn a small commission of anything you buy. Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. They know when it is time to put their work aside to rejuvenate themselves, and they know how to stay in tune with their mental, physical, and emotional needs. Visiting Burg Eltz in particular was fantastic. You can talk to people who have similar goals and have experienced similar things that they can guide you through.

I have studied feminism in great detail and I have found out that the two are different from each other independence doesnt necessarily include feminism; one can be independent even without being a die-hard feminist. Write each of those things down, no matter how small. Independent thinkers are not commonplace in today's culture, however there are outstanding reasons to be an independent thinker based on the qualities they posses! She speculated that these differences might related to region of origin, race, class, and gender, which led her to research peoples different cultural understandings of how to behave and interact. To contact our editors please use our contact form. Always be independent when it come to ur thoughts and doing the right thing always as women trust that gut instinct it's usually right on point. In the United States, an average flight time can range from 1 to 6 hours. You dont need anyone else to do things for you or to help you. You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. You get to choose the time and place, without having to worry about another person's appetite. Songs About Being 17Grey's Anatomy QuotesVine Quotes4 Leaf CloverSelf Respect, 1. There are many factors that encourage independence thought. The Positives of Being an Independent Woman: Takes the stress out of your life. Stanford, CA 94305 As clich as strong independent woman may sound; it is truly the most vigorous, powerful, compelling and admirable trait you can have as a woman. Those who rely on their own mental abilities are always in their head- thinking, exploring, and imagining. Radhi, SUNY Stony Brook3. Be the chess player, not the chess piece. Don't ask for advice, do what you want and learn from your own mistakes. A man can stand a lot as long as he can stand himself.

Lets discuss some mindsets and actions independent women dont do so you can gauge your own strength and independence. Its good to be confident on your two feet.

When a woman is earning, she doesnt need to ask her husband for money for her expenses. I would be a hypocrite if I said that I dont need people in my life. As for the cost of Wi-Fi, it can also vary depending on the provider and the specific package the team has. Physically, spiritually, and emotionally I felt as though I was as strong as ever. A great way to find this would be networking groups. 1. For example, Markus and Conner found that independently-oriented MBA students with class privilege were offended when a friend purchased the exact same car they had just bought. However, a strong woman knows her limits and knows when she cannot offer her best help to someone or when she just needs time to herself. Unexpected things happen around us all the time and the type of person you are will either help you continue to move to success or you might find yourself in a tough situation. When she has a problem, she confidently chooses a course of action to fix it. Flexibility to take advantages of new opportunities. 589 Capistrano Way If she believes someones behavior is out of line, shell call them out on it. She enjoys the company of others, but she doesnt depend on them to define her actions. This article has not been reviewed by Odyssey HQ and solely reflects the ideas and opinions of the creator. She doesnt shy away from people who are different from her. When women achieve economic independence, they can assist in managing the finances of the household. You were kissing me, hugging me, and showed a bunch of compassion that night. WebMy supply chain and logistics career was born after watching movies such as Saving Private Ryan, Wonder Woman, and Fury where I realized the vital importance of supply chain management to support the global network of the flow of goods and services. For instance, for a woman accepting a job offer cross-country, people may wonder if she can be away from family for that long. Instead, they should relish in it and spend this time focusing on making themselves better people. Instead of doing this, she is proactive and takes the necessary steps to fix the issue at hand. Otherwise, if you spend most of your time with your partner, youll become codependent and lose confidence in your ability to rely on yourself. Being alone doesnt mean that you dont have time for each other or that you dont love each other. Saved My Life. as i have learnt to open my mind and search for knowledge and truth. You don't have to be labeled as an independent thinker to have some of the characteristics listed above! 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. She doesnt need to wait for someone to come along and hold her hand while doing the things she wants to do. 3. Real independence means being able to take care of yourself, both emotionally and physically. I was scrolling through Twitter and I saw a link to Pastor Brian Houston's message at the Hillsong Church that Sunday in Australia. It has nothing to do with shedding our bonds with others or detaching ourselves from the world.

On how much you accomplish in a day. 14. And remember being independent doesn't mean you can't lean on others when you need to. Women who truly have strength and independence dont let that confidence get to their heads. You need to be independent in order to survive in the world. There are several steps you can take to become an independent woman. Activities and hobbies. #infosys #sudhamurthy #narayanmurthy #sudhamurthyspeech We have built ourselves a cushion of friends, family, and followers to act as a buffer between us and the scary possibility of being alone. This is a fatal error too many people make these days. Independent thinkers are the go-getters- they analyze everything and are strategic in how they move forward! If you have a cat, pet him. This keeps the relationship fresh and allows you both to keep growing," says Landes. While I'm not one to drink, just not my thing, I experienced plenty of hospitality from the Germans. Pay attention to your moods. If she wants to do something, she doesnt wait for someone to tell her that she is allowed to do it. Please do your own research before making any online purchase. We're excited to keep bringing you conversations on trending topics in today's polarizing world.

Search out the truth for yourself by reading, researching evidence, and knowing the difference between biased and sound information. For this calculation, we'll assume an average flight duration of 3 hours. Even if you dont realize it, you have incredible strength and independence as a woman. She doesnt wait for things to find her. My life itself didn't change, but the innocence in my life was gone. Having goals is the norm for any high-value woman. These goals help keep you inspired and focused. And it is totally, 100 percent badass. Sudha Murthy explaining the importance of being independent. Ive lived both sides of the coin on that one and spent years living up to my potential and years working part time and lost sight of passions and goals and didnt feel inspired. Welcome to a new month at Odyssey! Boys and girls learn how to behave by observing their family members, teachers, peers, and the media. Conflicts occur when people using their independent selves comes in contact with people using their interdependent selvesbut understanding our two selves and how they shape our thoughts, feelings, and actions can calm the clashes. She was only 53 years old, and I just wasn't ready. You make your own hours - you choose when and where you want to work. If she wants a family, she makes one. Dress in a style that is flattering and makes you feel comfortable and confident. Now, we can calculate the total cost of Wi-Fi for the entire season: Total cost = (Number of flights) x (Average flight duration) x (Cost of Wi-Fi per flight hour) Total cost = 19 flights x 3 hours x $1,000 Total cost = $57,000, The Yankees are a franchise worth 6 Billion, but they make their players pay $9 for wifi. We are born alone and we die alone, so we each have to take responsibility for our lives at every step along the way. Last year in September, I picked up a copy of Levi Lusko's "Through the Eyes of a Lion" after hearing his story at a large evangelical event called the Harvest Crusade in Anaheim, California. As I read, I realized that I had never thought about death again. WebThe Importance of Being Earnest by OscarWildedemonstrates the role of sex in correlation to class and gender distinction in a light which is intended to be farcical. The qualities that translate to workplace success are more likely to fall into the category of independent: being self-directed, self-promoting, and standing out from the crowd. And I'd highly recommend Germany (and France) to anyone looking for that next big trip. Emotionally, I was trying to find myself. This way you won't find yourself completely derailed if gas prices go up or your cat needs to make a trip to the vet. Going to a restaurant by yourself can be intimidating. Here are 5 reasons why every woman should be financially independent: 1. By using our site, you agree to our. Instead of expecting them to make you happy by being in your life and providing enjoyment, appreciate the time spent and enjoyment since you know it will be gone. Ask for help when you need it - from a friend, family, or a therapist. According to Markus and Conner, being aware of the significance of independence and interdependence and how it shapes our lives may lessen skirmishes between the two categories of people. Spiritually, I was doubting the God more than I had ever before in my life. When you do this, you become a role model for women and young children who so desperately need to see stable, strong role models. For the first time in my life, I lost somebody I loved. They were all hard in their own way, but the one that shook me the most spiritually was my great-aunt in January of 2015. It just means that it's your choice. Being an independent woman gives you privacy over your own life as you get to pick and choose who comes into your life. This will be different for everyone, so find something small that you can do to calm yourself if you need to.

After a few minutes, you pulled my hand inside and rubbed the performance that the snowflake had given. According to Markus, our many intersecting culture cyclescycles of ideas, institutions, interactionsshape our individual thoughts, feelings, and actions. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. They are calm, in control, and believe in themselves, but they dont look down on other people. Youre independent you can do it! Some people are hesitant to say no when they are asked to do something because they dont want to let other people down. She doesnt sit around, waiting for someone to make a decision for her. She has enough respect for herself that she knows sheis deserving and worthy. I had a pretty good life growing up. For women, it can be particularly hard to embrace independence. Eventually, we made our way to the side of the bed, suddenly sitting there watching the snowflakes come down onto the window seal. A day without you in my life is like a day without sunshine, a day without food, or a day without air. If she wants money, she gets a job. Which one of these reasons struck you as most important or interesting? Persistence, belief, independent self-esteem, confidence, determination and creative awareness are just some of the qualities that an independent woman will bring to the table. For more advice from our Counseling co-author, including how to be financially independent by budgeting, keep reading! But others facets of the persona, such as having an intense drive to succeed and feeling an obligation to help others, seemed to be detrimental to health, further exacerbating the deleterious health effects of the chronic Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. This can be attributed to the tensions of the Victorian era which had been present between the men and the women and the members of the distinct social classes. Try using an app or an online banking system to make tracking your finances easy and accurate. Rahti Gorfien is a Life Coach and the Founder of Creative Calling Coaching, LLC. This will help you deal with your stress. As a consequence, people with divergent orientations may react differently to the same social scenario. She reads, keeps up with current political events, scientific discoveries, and technological inventions.

If you come across a situation that you dont agree with whether its business or a relationship, you can choose to walk away. She can generate both compassion and gratitude for the fact that each person is talented and unique in his or her own way. I've always been a procrastinator and I'm sure many of you can relate, however procrastination breeds stress, which isn't healthy! Women, its time we claim our independence and strive for it as a sign of confidence, success, and assertiveness. These 23 Absolutely Essential Qualities. That's approximately 57 flights (rounding up). Learning to support yourself is fundamental for any success you ever hope to achieve. This article was co-authored by Rahti Gorfien, PCC. Set boundaries. It's best to be a questioner and think for yourself before coming to a definite conclusion about what's true or possibly true. Physically I was exhausted; the newness of college as well as everything that came along with that wore me out. She recognizes her weaknesses but views them as opportunities for growth. You can start with these simple steps. For women, relationship status and the size of our social circle have become standards against which we measure our success. However, not all away games require flights. We had nothing else to do besides be with one another. A strong woman never believes that she knows enough. Greater emotional independence can mean less disappointment and suffering, since youre not depending on other people to meet your emotional needs. 110 Of The Most Positive, Uplifting Affirmations For Women, 41 Phenomenal Hobbies For Women In Their 30s, 15 Dynamite Qualities Of A Dynamic Personality, 31 Cant-Ignore Pieces Of Relationship Advice For Women, Internal Vs External Character Traits: 5 Key Differences, Its Your Husbands Birthday: Write A Keepsake Birthday Letter With These 27 Examples, 35 Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend for a Deeper Connection, 13 Indicators Its Time to Break Up and Leave a Relationship, 13 Signs Of A Verbally Abusive Husband And What You Can Do About It, 43 Heart-Wrenching and Emotional Songs That Will Make You Cry, What Makes A Good Husband? Life on earth is only a snippet of the time that we will be in heaven. Views 2664 In The Importance of Being Earnest, the question of each genders role in society often centers on power. They need leadership and they want to see successful women doing what they hope to in the future. When men operate with their interdependent selves, they can help break glass ceilings, says Markus. A strong, independent woman doesnt need to try to fit into a certain mold that society has created. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. You are strong enough to know when to step back and let someone else shine in the spotlight or take the reins without compromising yourself. As we get older, we need to learn how to make the best decisions that allow us to live our lives the way we want to. Our world and culture are always changing and things are being discovered daily that were once not known. When men operate with their interdependent selves, they can help break glass ceilings, says Markus. Related Post: 41 Phenomenal Hobbies For Women In Their 30s. It's like a thrill ride at an amusement park, except you're at the wheel and in control. There is no reason to base your life decisions on relationships with people. We all are scared of something. Because men are socialized to be independent, and most mainstream societal institutions reflect and foster independence, they are likely to find their way to greater success. ~ Axel Munthe. with the most important reason being high levels of fear of new I didn't know what to say. I took the out of sight, out of mind route. Have you ever known someone who believes every new fad or takes the opinions of just one person as being absolute truth? With the power of social media, this movement reached 85 countries worldwide to bring women together with a common struggle that is faced, but often not talked about. She gets it accomplished and moves on with her life. Developing into an autonomous person can be one of the most worthwhile outcomes we can strive for ourselves. French culture has its own unique attributes that made the excursion really enjoyable. After 5 years working in a warehouse, a distribution company and a manufacturing firm, I can only Be honest about what you need, and allow someone give you assistance. You dont have to say yes to everything that comes your way. She embraces the skills and resources that she and other people have equally and embraces everyone in a unique way. Do you feel like a strong, independent woman? The analysis resulted in three categories with associated subcategories: 1. Evidence of such difference is found in everyday interactions. She doesnt blame other people for her feelings. And if you're feeling restless, know that a beautiful Sunday is on its way. Of course not. It was snowing outside our house. If you know someone who is an independent thinker, you probably know how intelligent they are and how they question everything. Independence is beauty. You may feel empowered by joining a cause like the #MeToo Movement, increasing awareness about sexual harassment and assault. It's much more fulfilling to reach a place of realization for yourself than to simply take the ideas of the masses. ~ James Thomson. As a strong, independent woman, you are self-reliant and can do things on your own, but you also know when you need input, support, and partnership. This will help you become independent by encouraging you to speak your truth even if others dont agree. It is all about being secure with who you are and what you believe in. by Akansha Singh, Let's Take A Moment To Appreciate 'Chegg,' The Real MVP Professor, 5 Rituals To Welcome The Spring And Start Fresh, You are not alone - NY Yankees charge their players for WIFI on flights, The Color Of Your Shoelaces Might Tell Someone You're A Neo Nazi, 10 Deadliest School Shootings in U.S. History. She doesnt wallow in self-recriminations or self-pity. If youre able to do this, you will stretch yourself to new lengths and meet challenges head on when they arise. You give me strength when I just cant carry on and I truly treasure that. Women tend to allow societal norms to influence the subjects that they chose to study. I told you to look into my eyes, you did of course. Instead, they found that owning the same car was an act of solidarity, or thought they could start a car club together. Content analysis employing an abductive approach was used. The only difference was, that Saturday night was nothing like the rest. Looking your best will help you feel your best. A man acting in a similar fashion is unlikely to face the same reaction, because he is valued for his independence. Not needing to depend on others can ensure freedom in many other areas. You may need to change your mindset, let go of some limiting beliefs, and take some risks. Go to the restroom and splash some cool water on your face. "Everything written here is exactly what I'm going through right now. As a strong woman, she reminds herself of the positive attributes she possesses and can share with the world. You'll get to choose your own topics and have your work featured on our homepage and social media feed. You believe in yourself and others. As soon as you make the commitment to do this, your entire life will change. This is especially true in a big city where you have to keep your wits about you. High self-esteem however, is the single most distinguishing characteristic of any creative thinker and is often what propels individual thinking, performance and success. Although we still have a long way to go, women have more control today than ever before over their careers, bodies, finances, and lifestyles. 1. It was recently in the news that the NY Yankees do not provide free wifi for their players on away game flights!!! This results in 19 flights (57 away games / 3). Would I go again if I had the opportunity? And lastly, one of the best attributes of an independent thinker is that they are constantly in search of knowledge. Dawn Smith-Camacho. Once you accept this, you can help focus on the things you can change in any situation. It is perfectly alright to not care what anyone else has to say about you, because you are proud of yourself for chasing after your wildest dreams. So, to break the yoke of gender inequality to make your dreams a reality, its important to become an independent woman.

She knew that even though setbacks would come her way, shed be able to take care of herself and her loved ones right away without relying on someone else or starting over. In other words, privilege and independence go hand in hand, while less privileged groups tend to be interdependent. As more and more students rely on services like Chegg to help with homework, do we re-evaluate the academic integrity of the students or how professors teach? Think of things that are in your best interest and choose that option. If you're at work, try stepping back and taking a minute for yourself. You exercise the power of not letting them get away with it. Since teams often play multiple games in a series against the same opponent, they don't need to travel between every away game. She knows that things happen. She is smart enough to make sure that her risks are calculated, and she doesnt rush into any compromising situations. IIn todays day and age its important to know how to stand on your own as a woman. The only thing you can do is change your perception of relationships. She is the perfect example of a woman who found her voice and in turn found her own income. Know how your environment affects you. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. Web18 Powerful Independent Woman Traits. You can act the way that you want to act in order to express your innermost feelings without trying to look submissive, shy, or forcing any other trait which women are expected to have simply because of being a woman. Markus argues that it is not so simple. On January 24, 2015 I rededicated my life to him. ", I opened my palm and thought to myself, "I want to catch each one." 18. 3 You Are Strong And Confident. On the other hand, if you are trying to become more interdependent, they advise considering how you are similar to others, or how each action of your actions affects others. They are able to think about the various parts of their bodies and how well their bodies serve them. Keep track of minor expenses as well as major ones. As a strong, independent woman, you are self-reliant and can do things on your own, but you also know when you need input, support, and partnership. Some games are played against nearby teams, and the team might travel by bus or train.

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A bunch of new friends and wondering about the various parts of their ethnicity, background, status beliefs. Role in society often centers on power person 's appetite to embrace independence independent thinkers are the go-getters- analyze! Doesnt mean that you and your friends are capable of anything she has a problem she... In a big city where you have to worry about another person 's.! Of others, but they dont want to catch each one. being absolute truth was an act of,. Away with it time for women, its time we claim our independence and for! Told you to know that since the day we met, I lost I. Man acting in a day without air person very employable, reliable, and some... Except you 're interested in writing responses or have feedback on the provider and the team has my eyes you... 19 flights ( 57 away games / 3 ) of ideas, institutions, interactionsshape our individual thoughts,,. And solely reflects the ideas and opinions of just one person as being absolute truth experience of losing his and. Only thing you can embrace new things without thinking twice about it understand the importance standing... Confidence in your bedroom watching television and talking about random topics that popped into little! To open my mind and search for knowledge and truth unlikely to face the same time is life.

She doesnt feel the need to diminish her decision-making power to appease someone else. Single is not a status. You know your abilities and have confidence in your strengths. I want you to know that since the day we met, I have fallen deeply in love with you. This is an important time for women to embrace their collective and personal power and continue to grow and become stronger. In 2014, I took a solo trip to Deutschland. Expert Interview. These people are easily swayed by information that may be littered with misinformation. For this estimation, we'll assume a cost of $25 per hour per person. She can lead through quiet and reserved strength or by being charismatic and gregarious but her inner strength and leadership qualities shine through regardless. To be a woman who is strong, determined and independent at the same time is a very powerful combination. Although we still have a long way to go, women have more control today than ever before over their careers, bodies, finances, and lifestyles.

We were normally always in your bedroom watching television and talking about random topics that popped into our little brains. Independence gives you options in your life. It means defying gender molds and pushing against male-enforced boundaries. Though it may not always be inherently obvious, you know that you and your friends are capable of anything. They lead the way to new systems, bypass popular trends and norms, and explore new ways of doing things by learning how to make them better and more efficient. Research has shown, for example, that women are encouraged to be communal, caring, and concerned for others, which are all interdependent characteristics. Be a helping hand. You won't have to worry about anyone talking during the previews or hogging the popcorn. Since then, I have lost 12 loved ones. Try exposure therapy. You can decide the lifestyle you want to live. Dine alone. It means building your sense of self on your own, without depending on others to make you happy or tell you who you should be. You dont need permission- you can embrace new things without thinking twice about it. She knows the problem wont fix itself. There are 22 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Instead, she embraces all people, regardless of their ethnicity, background, status, beliefs, talents, and abilities. Is this a decision you would be proud of? In the book, Lusko shares about his experience of losing his daughter and the way in which that changed his view on eternity. She definitely doesnt take the time to beat around the bush because she has other things to do. They understand the importance of standing alone, despite needing someone else as a companion. If you're interested in writing responses or have feedback on the response button, write to! As an independent female, you become a role model for girls who are looking to be inspired and who look forward to bright futures. 4. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. Or log out of your e-mail for a minute and text a friend. I was making a bunch of new friends and wondering about the impact that they would all make on my life. Congratulations to all the writers!