michael b rush excommunicated

Targeted individuals are experiencing a form of experimentation that follows a progression of phases that include: 1) selection, 2) surveillance, 3) stalking, 4) defamation, 5) attack, and 6) monitoring. Directed by Dr. Ewen Cameron, this subproject was conducted in 1957 at McGill University (Canada). Maitland Baldwin supervised this subproject through the NIH in 1956. * I use a combination of about a dozen sentiment and technical measures plus macro analysis to identify buyable market or sector sell offs. electronics are the beating heart of mind control because CIA scientists discovered years ago that any breakthroughs they may have enjoyed with hypnosis and drugs they could more easily and dependably reproduce with remote brain technology- and since the subject never lays eyes on his tormentors, they need not fear exposure. 4) The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. They believe they are above God. People must choose sides now, I believe. It is appropriate to conclude with the insights of ex-special forces operative, David Vincent, from The Art of Mental Warfare (https://torturedinamerica.org/BlackOps.pdf) (from quote # 8 above): If you look at the history of covert special operations, its all about securing a piece of land that has some valuable resource. (But) what use is it wasting words on the alleged control of your public opinion by Jewish financiers, newspaper owners and movie magnates, when you might as well justly accuse us of the proved control of your whole civilization by the Jewish Gospels? including these listed with the Santa Barbara Institute: These titles demonstrate Wallaces orientation towards the scientific study of Buddhist meditation. Behavior modify (mind control) those people as they pose the biggest threat to the slavemaster political agenda. how many members of sha na na are still alive? 24) The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. We are tracking neurological or brain signatures of key targeted individuals that are thought to represent whole groups. From the TIs Perspective: What is it like to be surveilled, tracked, targeted, abused, stalked, and harassed 24/7 in your house, in your community, and wherever you go? These SRA techniques, evidently based on the Jewish Kabbalah system of black magic, have been used by the Illuminati and other secret societies for hundreds of years to program their own children to become their bio-robot slaves.

That is their true idea for their world government. His original analysis has been studied by students of the scriptures in over 130 countries worldwide, and is included in his first book - A Remnant Shall Return first published in 2015.. Be notified when new blogs, videos or books are available. Hence, in capitalism, almost exclusive preoccupation with finance, distribution, and exchange as distinct from productive industry. According to Dr. Robert Duncan PhD, in his book, Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed, the attacks are the result of central nervous system manipulation. This project is now well underway. Hear it on Teri's Show on Sunday or somew Tucker Carlson. OS-EH, now deployed as a weapons system against people of all ages, involves two main means of subjecting victims to trauma-based mind control: 1) gangstalking/psychological attacks and 2) attack via electronic (directed energy and neuro) weapons. Occult societies are secretive. ), 4) The Strongs (Maurice and Hanne) say they see the Baca, which they call The Valley of the Refuge of World Truths, as the paradigm for the entire planet and say that the fate of the earth is at stake. Author and reporter, Christopher Hedges recently stated: Depopulation is total war. So now we get a better sense of what Bush, Cheney and Co. had in mind for the American people. (Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative of 2013 which delivers human test subjects for the European Unions Human Brain Project, also initiated in 2013. We have seen that the CIA and other powerful groups create cults, including Satanic cults, to experiment with different methods of controlling people via mind control, etc. It is clear that she is tortured incessantly and has suffered and is suffering immensely.

Dr. Rauni Kilde refers to the perps as mind-controlled patsies.. Patriarch Mstyslav excommunicated Metropolitan Antoniy and Archbishop Romaniuk who joined the unification with Metropolitan Filaret. Bismarck, Beaconsfield, the French Republic, Bambetta, etc., all this as a force are nothing, a mere mirage. Organied academic psychiatry has never acknowledged this history. All war is based on deception, observed Chinese military genius, Sun Tzu. Projects are funded by the Rockefeller Fund among other foundations. Although the program was formally suspended, other government agencies later adopted some of its software with only superficial changes. Birkeland was angry at the whole world. 3-J. It seems to me that the satanic spirit of gangstalking is well described in the Excommunication of Spinoza by Amsterdam Synagogue, Jan. 27, 1656, found in Douglas Reeds The Controversy of Zion (1976): cursed be he by day and cursed by night; cursed when he goeth out, and cursed when he cometh in; the Lord pardon him never; the wrath and fury of the Lord burn upon this man; and bring upon him all the curses which are written in the Torah. WebHe has created a body of work that has challenged social arrangements, investigated global politics, and explored cultural identity. 2) these bio-robot slaves could and would be used as golems (monsters/killers) by the Jewish people against their enemies, which is to say, all non-Jews. Trillium (Jenny), Nick, and Michelle seemed like nice people. I had been a friend of the Carmelites (aka The Spiritual Life Institute of America, SLIA) since 1968 when I was a student at Prescott College. That could include almost anyone. The organization that rules the world today behind the scenes is the New World Order, Illuminati with the Star of David, CIA, FBI, British Intelligence, and their local lackeys. Rush, author of: A Remnant Shall Return -Daniel 11. Professional work undertaken either for profit or for the sake of social advancement. 9 reviews 2018 Edition - Includes Section Seven - World's Without End. He is also an adviser with the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. You learn from continually being the target of lies, spies, setups, and psyops that nobody can be trusted. alixpartners when it really matters does endorsi and bam get together why. In fact, the medieval cabalistic lore of The Golem inspired Mary Shelleys classic tale of Frankenstein.. By Michael Rush. What do WEF members know that we dont? Or is it free, convenient access to nonconsensual test subjects brainwaves so these can be sold, monitored, manipulated, degraded, enhanced, altered, and/or destroyed at will? As a targeted individual (TI), I am in contact with many other TIs. It is impossible to conceive of a Jew apart from his religion. It could be all of the above. What has been constructed over many decades through taxpayer dollars and bankers usury is a corporate-military-intelligence killing machine of vast proportions which has captured our governments and been turned against the domestic populations of the world. Since this is the new form of warfare, and since it targets innocent American citizens for degradation and destruction, perhaps we should reconsider the idea of hanging spies in the public square. Maurice Strong has already has set up a 140,000-acre project in Crestone, Colorado to develop this earth religion system. And most people, you know, if they do not do their spiritual work you better take a hike out to the road and get out of here. Booking agency: 355. These strategic deceptions and frauds comprise acts of information warfare against the American citizenry and hence, are antithetical to living in a free, constitutional Republic. swvatoday abingdon Amazingly, this group is headed up by the aforementioned Professor Alan B. Wallace. ACU Sunday Series. Mackenzie Engram Wnba, There are certainly thousands, possibly even millions, of modern Josef Mengeles today; scientists whose research and experimentation, at least from the viewpoint of their nonconsensual test subjects, are indistinguishable from torture, attempted murder, murder, and treason. B. What gave away the core of this mob stalking method as culturally jewish was that Israelis always positioned themselves in the lead to appear as a victim, with their terrain cues consistently ordinary, per Mossad and Shin Bets mottos of deception and concealment as a strategy. Rush 3.50 2 ratings0 reviews This book studies the latter-day restoration of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel and includes over 650 scripture citations and other references from latter-day prophets to document this amazing event that will rival the Exodus of Egypt in wonder and might. Now we can begin to connect some dots and experiences.

The following passage from Dr. John Halls Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control (2014) suggests that their research is a direct outgrowth of past MKULTRA projects: Things had become a little hot for the CIA (MKULTRA) researchers by the early 1970s. - Vaccine policy & advocacy lead to policymakers, agencies, coalitions, thought leaders and institutions in 12-state region and Puerto Rico. : Chip Tatum, former Special Operations whistleblower, states in introductory quote #12: Just like there are safe houses, we also have safe communities. We have communities where we know its safe for (sleeping agents or retired agents) to be and to operate. James F. Marino, MK-Ultra Target (From: Appendix 35: THE ROTHSCHILD ZIONIST PLAN: ONE GLOBAL BRAIN/CYBERNETIC HIVE-MIND AND SATANIC WORLD GOVERNMENT (by James F. Marino)), 33) Most people around here are afraid to come out of their houses., Bruce Polock, extended visitor/observer/agent(?) WebThis is a podcast for those that are wanting to understanding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the restoration of the House of Israel. Rush, author of: A Remnant Shall Return -Daniel 11 -REVELATION the Vision of John Divine 15 years experience in Health Care, Employment, Insurance, Business, General Practice. MKULTRA Cults Networks Connect MKULTRA cults with Project MKULTRA, Crestone, CO, 19th Century Cults, Gurus and Spiritual Frauds, MKULTRA Doctors, Buddhafield, Jonestown, Church of Satan, Church of Scientology, Esalen Institute, Findhorn, Heavens Gate, Dionysian Cults, Cults, Christian Cults, Moral Rearmament, Brotherhood of Eternal Love, AA, Aleister Crowley, Battle for the Mind by William Sargent, L. Ron Hubbard, Michael Murphy, Neo-Feudalism, Gaia Hypothesis, Church (Senate) Committee and 1977 MKULTRA Committee Hearings. In about 1985/86, upon completing partial construction of their new facilities, the priests, monks, and nuns of the SLIA hosted a celebration-party-program for their old friends and supporters. Michael Rush in Michigan 59 people named Michael Rush found in Detroit-Ann Arbor-Flint, Grand Rapids-Muskegon-Holland and 5 other cities. Part I and Appendices 2, 5, 6, 18, 100, 101, 111, 112, 117, 133, 135, 142, 155, and 156, Appendix 101: Operation Crestone/Baca In Flow Chart/Diagrams: Cults, Mind Control, & Weaponization of Religion For World Conquest, Part IX: NWO Slavemasters & Our Absolute Slavery Via Intel Ops, Mind Control, Scientology, Cults, Torture, 9/11, & Voices of God: 2 Timelines (962 2012 AD), http://911closeup.com/nico/911truthling_cult4.html. This is the official page for Michael B. McNamara described contemplation as a long loving look at the real. But what doth it profit a man if a gift is bestowed upon him and he receive not the gift? Mike and Bryce explain why understanding the truth is so vitally important. We must learn how to hate and it is only then that we shall conquer the world., Commissar for Public Instruction of Soviet Union, Lunatscharsky, a Jew, 11) Judaism is a secret Satanic cult posing as a religion. 5.0/5.0 Rated by a Partner on 06/23/14 in Civil Litigation. brian dunleavy history; mother in law apartment for rent utah; shotgun cantilever vent rib scope mount michael b rush excommunicated. Criminal defense Attorney. 26) Letter From The Alta Vendita (Masonic) Lodge, recovered by Catholics in 1859: The Pope, whoever he is, will never come to the secret societies. How do you scientifically investigate meditation?
Statements by Hanne Strong and Cheyenne Mandel in introductory quotes 13 and 14 above also support to this conclusion: 13) You have to do the work. And everything is amplified by the energy here. 4) The technology/the program can be used to create mind-contolled patsies, perhaps including some gangstalking perpetrators. Maurice Strong, a high school dropout no less, intends to save the planet by destroying Western civilization!? However, all this does make for the effective implentation of a communist (Fourth Industrial) revolution, Great Reset, and UN Agenda 2030, doesnt it?

the secret services and their sabotage and terror departments are the biggest terrorists in the world and work together with the mafia. Nothing is what it seems, reality isnt real. Dilbert Banned for Calling Out Black Racism & Black Violence, The Gold and Silver Rush. The Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of LAlliance-israelite-universelle (1860); from The Trail of the Serpent, by Inquire Within (1936). 17) Some TIs believe their targeting via directed energy-neuroweapons is being used to degrade their spiritual bodies, or auras, in order to destroy their connection with God and covertly induct them into Satans kingdom. Utah, the world capital of Mormonism, even calls itself The Beehive State. Ive read that Mormonism is a Judaic-Masonic sex-cult based on the rituals of the Jewish Kabbala. was michael b rush excommunicated was michael rush excommunicated when. Clearly these are highly destructive and satanic Illuminati projects and those carrying them out must be considered members of destructive cults/satanic cults. 10) Study of Alzheimers and dementia 4.8 out of 5 stars. (Webmaster: That must have been a rough job, Howard!). Occult societies are secretive. Michael served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Chile, Osorno - where he loved both the people and the breathtaking . By Michael Rush. (Regarding the weaponization of neuroscience): That level of deep surveillance examines the idea of what type of surveillance and its informational transfer and ultimately actionability*, would obtain and entail What is really required in that type of deep surveillance that carries it through for the acquisition of information all the way to actionable entities* that would then target certain things to be able to then mitigate our strategic competitors and/or adversaries (Webmaster: targeted individuals) efforts in this area would require more a whole of nation approach. Where now we have almost a seamless triangulation between government entities, research entities, and commercial entities that are then able to mobilize those resources in the deep surveillance that is necessary for acknowledging, addressing, and assessing relative risks that may become threats, quantifying the risk to threat index, and then identifying what aspects of those quantifiable risks are mitigable and/or preventable, and then engaging the resources that are necessary to do that (i.e, mitigate/take out the threat/targeted individual.), Dr. James Giordano, Neuroweaponologist and neuro-ethicist at Georgetown University, DARPA and Human Brain Project Consultant, From: Confessions of a High-Level Perp: Dr. James Giordano Battlespace/Organized Stalking Applications of Neuroscience and Neuroweapons (2017 youtube lecture, my transcription and notes, and pdf), We Are Targeting The Brain: Confessions of a Neuroscientist Perp (Audio Narration, Music, & Text; Insights of Dr. James Giordano), Weaponizing Brain Science: Neuroweapons w/ DARPA Neuroweaponologist Dr. James Giordano (Parts 1 & 2). Cookie Notice (). and NASA 8)If you look at the history of covert special operations, its all about securing a piece of land that has some valuable resource. Contemplative Science: Where Buddhism and Neuroscience Converge. And theres a saying here: You either get embraced by Crestone or you get spit out., Cheyenne Mendel, Crestone acupuncturist (from the movie, The Flame), V. My Experiences in Crestone/Baca as Probable Nonconsensual Human Test Subject and Definite Targeted Individual (TI), A. Carmelite Contemplative Retreat Hermitage Moves To The Baca. You make much noise and fury about the undue Jewish influence in your theaters and movie palaces. against domestic populations. The final conclusions of the Ezra's Eagle prophecy takes us to the restoration of the US Constitution. $0.00 $ 0. Appendix 182: Redefining Neuroweapons: Emerging Capabilities in Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (DeFranco, et al., 2020) indicates that neuroS/T can be employed in warfare, intelligence, and national security (WINS) applications as both soft (nonlethal) and hard (lethal) weapons and that they are used during kinetic (combat) and non-kinetic engagements (peacetime) to incur destructive and/or disruptive effects. NeuroS/T weapons include directed energy delivery systems, transcranial neuromodulatory systems, and neuro-nanomaterial agents. Dean - NATO Intelligence Officer, Bob Lazar on ancient advanced technology (min 6.04), Charles Hall - a nuclear physicist, interesting experiences with ETs, Steven Greer Seminar - Very Interesting (watch at 1.5x speed 1:48:30 to 1:50 of special note)). BTW, Im a 61, 230 pound former mountain climber and active hiker. 1) The net which Israel now casts over the terrestrial globe enlarges and extends. Diese Website benutzt Cookies. 1 talking about this. Certainly, implementation of the Antichrist kingdom can be accomplished by connecting all human brains to the Pentagon Cloud-Hive Mind and accomplishing the bio-robotization and zombification of our species. 18) The technology is used to torture victims/targets and manipulate them into acting out and commiting crimes of passion and/or suicide. The Bridge of Quiescence: Experiencing Tibetan Buddhist Meditation. I offer the following sampling of statements from Part IV: The (Jewish) Controllers and Their Destructive Mission and Appendix 33: Quotes on Judaism and Zionism, in which members of the cabal/master cult identify themselves. No less, intends to save the planet by destroying Western civilization! 18 ) technology/the... Is based on the rituals of the Golem inspired Mary Shelleys classic tale of Frankenstein.. michael. Of 5 stars dilbert Banned for Calling out Black Racism & Black Violence the... 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Thousands of people today are voicing complaints of subliminal control, hearing voices in their heads and being attacked with directed energy weapons. And I have no certainty that professional contemplatives will fare any better than TIs in the long run. WebFormer LDS bishop facing excommunication over podcast ABC4 Utah 53.4K subscribers Subscribe 17K views 4 years ago Former LDS bishop facing