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Ne jemi ketu qe t'ju salt noun adjective verb. Google Translate Add example Add Translations of "perkthe" into English in sentences, translation memory . Text translation: Translate between 108 languages by typing. Prkthe. M 1 shtator 2008, para-Google njoftoi e ardhshme disponibilitetin e Google-krom, nj burim t hapur-shfletues web, e cila ishte lshuar n 2 shtator 2008. N t njjtin vit, u b nj kompani t mdha financiare t investitorve t reja. Ndrsa kompania divulges nuk detajet e saj hardware, nj vlersim 2006 prmend 450000 servers, "racked deri n grupe n t dhnat e qendrave t gjith botn." "Krahu i shqiponjs" sht revist politike, kulturore, letrare dhe shoqrore, e botuar pr her t par n tetor t vitit 1974, n dy gjuh. kuadratin krkimit disa fjale te asaj q ju po kPr tkrkim ne Google mjafton t shkruani n rkoni, dhe ne pak sekonda google ju faq rezultatet e krkimit te saj. perkthim shqip italisht gustao motore. Website faqet e internetit, t tr ose segment te perzgjedhur. N 2008, Google ri-quajtur variantin e tij t ardhshm Custom Search Business Edition si Google Search Site. Vendi ishte regjistruar n 15 shtator 1997, dhe kompania ishte inkorporuar si Google Inc m 4 shtator 1998 n nj mik t garazh n Menlo Park, California. Now one year later it is slowly becoming useful again. Have used for so many years. It has been created collecting TMs from the European Union and United Nations, and aligning the best domain-specific multilingual websites. ofrimin e mundsis pr gjetjen e shpejt t informacioneve. E intimitetit marrveshje t tjera pr t aplikuar edhe litigants prfshir fa Kryeministri i Lidhjes, e Rodgers & Hammerstein Organizats dhe skocez Kryeministri i Lidhjes. in revenge, the work of card synthesis gives more trouble for tarot readers all across the world. Pak pas, m 31 tetor 2006, Google njoftoi gjithashtu se kishte fituar JotSpot, zhvillues t nj wiki t teknologjis pr bashkpunuese Web sites. Albanian. Kompania ka rreth 24 ferma server e gjith bota e ndryshme konfigurimin. Si t rndsishme stockholders, pasuris personale t tyre sht i lidhur direkt n vlersimin e mimeve t aksioneve t qndrueshme dhe t performancs, e cila parashikon t drejtprdrejta me shtrirjes zotrues aksionesh interesave." Look through examples of shqip - anglisht translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Ndrkoh q interes primar biznesit sht n arenn web content, Google ka filluar eksperimente me tregjet e tjera, t tilla si radio dhe botimet e shtypura. So one of the main purposes of anglisht is to be comfortable in English. Travelers in southern Albania will now encounter signs in Albanian, English and, in the minority zones, Greek. Last Update: 2016-01-20 it is there that the sensitivity or a gift (depending on your interpretation) takes all it sense. Usage Frequency: 1 Besides the annoying ads this translates words that google cant.

T gjitha materialet q gjenden n kt faq jan t mbrojtura nga. MyMemory is the world's largest Translation Memory. N shkurt 2006, software kompani Adaptive Path shitur Harta Masa, nj weblog statistikat aplikimit, t Google. Our website uses cookies to improve your experience. Disa nga shrbimet m t reja t Google-it, t tilla si Gmail, Google News, Orkut, AdSense dhe origjinn e pavarur nga ana e ktyre prpjekjeve. Usage Frequency: 3 Shitja e US $ 1.67 miliard Google dha nj kapitalizim tregu prej m shum se 23 miliard US $. Nj jav m par, kompania globale e teknologjis, shtoi pes gjuh t reja n platformn e prkthimit duke e uar numrin e plot t gjuhve t huaja n 108. Usage Frequency: 2 Si kutia e krkimit t Google-it mund t prdoret si nj njsi converter (si edhe nj kalkulatrie), disa jo-standarde jan ndrtuar n njsi, t tilla si Smoot. Usage Frequency: 1 Surroi speaks several languages, including: Maliqi ka publikuar disa libra lidhur me art dhe politik n, Maliqi has published several books on art and politics in, Udhtart n Shqiprin jugore tani do t hasin shenjat n, Travelers in southern Albania will now encounter signs in. From professional translators, enterprises, web pages and freely available translation repositories. Shqip. N vitin 2007, nisur Google Google Apps Kryeministri Edition, nj version t Google Apps synuan kryesisht n biznesin e prdoruesit. Eagle's Wing is a political, cultural, literary and social magazine that was first published in 1974, in two languages: Ajo tha se ishte njoftuar nga nj vendim i shkruar n serbisht, ndonse do vendim i rregulloreve t UNMIK- ut krkohet t jepet n, She said that she was notified by a decision written in Serbian-- though any UNMIK regulations decision is required to be given in, Emri i qytetit rrjedh nga fjala "bunar" ("well", n, The name of the town derived from the Serbian loanword from Turkish "bunar" ("well" in, Duke mbuluar arsimin q nga ai parashkollor deri n klasn ne # t, n t jepet msim n, Covering kindergarten through # th grade, it provides instruction in, " Kartat e identitetit nuk jan prvetsim i policis s shtetit, por kan emblemn e Qendrs Shqiptare t Studimeve kundr Terrorizmit dhe Krimit t Organizuar n, " ID membership cards have no title appropriation of the state police, but have the emblem of the Albanian Study Centre for the Fight against Terrorism and Organised Crime in, Vedat Kokona (Izmir, 8 gusht 1913 - 14 tetor 1998) ishte nj shkrimtar, prkthyes dhe leksikolog shqiptar, i shekullit t 20-t, i njohur edhe pr fjalort e tij dygjuhsh, Vedat Kokona (August 8, 1913 October 14, 1998) was an Albanian translator, writer and lexicologist of the 20th century, well known for his dual dictionaries, Gjithashtu pranohet q nj artikull t paraqitet n, Q nga 1956 ka publikuar nj revist e quajtur "Buletin i Muzeut t Kosovs", me artikuj n, Since 1956 it has published an annual journal called 'Buletin i Muzeut t Kosovs', with articles in, Translation of "shqip - anglisht" into English. [6] Ky model e shitjes fjalen reklamat u pioneered nga (m von riemruar uvertur Services, para se t blihet nga Yahoo! Regjistrimi n shrbimin q ather ka qn prkohsisht t paaft. Computer Android iPhone & iPad. Google njoftoi nj partneritet me NASA Ames Research Center pr t ndrtuar 1000000 katrore feet (93.000 m2) e zyrave dhe t punojn n projekte krkimore q kan t bjn n shkall t gjer t menaxhimit t dhnave, nanoteknologjin, shprndahet informatik, siprmarrs dhe hapsir industris.

I burss punn e saj t par pas Google IPO nis ka shkuar mir, me aksione goditur US $ 700 pr her t par n 31 tetor 2007, pr shkak t shitjes dhe t ardhurave t fort n tregun e reklams, si dhe lirimin e tipare t reja t tilla si desktop krko funksionin e saj dhe t personalizuar iGoogle home page.
Hi there. Zbulo gjuhn. English. Human translations with examples: noose, snack, spageti, inlgese, fara liri. Prestige Translation as a partner of the Chamber of Doctors of Kosovo - Congress of Surgeons of Kosovo, offered simultaneous interpretation services for Albanian and English languages for the Congress held at the Emerald Hotel in Prishtina. Njerzit jan t mbushura s bashku kudo. (Translated by Google) Professionalism, correctness, speed and dedication make shqip anglisht pc google Prkthime automatike t " Sherebela" n anglisht . Q nga viti 2001, Google e ka bler disa vogl fillimin e aktivitetit kompanive. WebUsage Frequency: 1. Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous. Reference: Anonymous, Last Update: 2015-05-10 19605052 aksioneve u ofrohen n nj mim prej US $ 85 pr aksion. Shum njerz spekuluar se Google IPO n mnyr t pashmangshme do t oj n ndryshime n kulturn e kompanis, pr shkak t presionit aksionist pr zvoglimin e numrit t prfitonte punonjsi dhe afat-shkurtr prparime, ose pr shkak se nj numr i madh i punonjsve t kompanis do t bhet papritmas milionersh n letr. tg tf board game Google Inc., ( u themelua n vitin 1998 nga Larry Page dhe Sergey Brin t cilt zhvilluan pjesn programore t motorit t tanishm t krkimit Google. Even if you clear your downloads and try downloading it from the photo prompt, nothing happens, nothing downloads, doesn't work. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 1, Usage Frequency: 8, Usage Frequency: 3, Usage Frequency: 2, me ka vjedhur karrocen e goces, te lutem me ndihmo si ta gjej. Sheryl Sandburg, ish-VP globale online e shitjes dhe t operacioneve t saj filloi si pozit gugatje e Facebook ndrsa hiri ElDifrawi, ish kreu i marks advertising, la t bhet CMO e Netshops Inc, Google kmbnguls i cookie dhe informacione t tjera t mbledhjes s praktika kan uar n shqetsime rreth prdoruesve. fjalor anglisht shqip me shkronjen x. English. Usage Frequency: 1 unlike a usual slinky wave, the electric and magnetic vibrations of an electromagnetic wave occur in numerous planes. Pas e kompanis IPO n gusht 2004, u raportua q themeluesit Sergey Brin dhe Larry Page, dhe CEO Eric Schmidt, krkuar q paga e tyre baz t shkurtohet n US $ 1,000 Pas ofron nga kompania pr t rritur pagat e tyre jan kthyer posht, pr shkak se n radh t par, "kompensimin e tyre kryesor vazhdon t vij nga kthimet e pronesise mbi aksionet e tyre n Google.

Google web search engine sht kompania m popullor i shrbimit. Industris n raportet e 2006 pretendojn se prafrsisht 14 deri 20 prqind e t klikimeve n fakt ishin t pavlefshme ose mashtruese. 100 .

the opposition, the orientation of the card or even the apparition number are going to be as much element to identify all factors before making an honest summary of the draw. T prdor software korpus gjuhsi nga teknikat e prkthyer dokumente, (t tilla dokumente t Kombeve t Bashkuara, t cilat jan t prkthyera profesionalisht) pr nxjerrjen prkthime sakt deri n 88 pr qind. Ne ofrojm nj shrbim t shpejt dhe profesional e cilesor, me nje staf t prkushtuar pr t siguruar nj perkthim t sakt, n koh dhe me mim t arsyeshem. Quality: Prve ksaj, Gmail Google faqe shfaqet nj njoftimi pr Gmail letre, e cila i lejon prdoruesit e tyre t lir-mail shrbimit t ket mesazhe email shtypura dhe t transportoheshin nj krmill mail adresa. Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Google sht nj motor krkimi q prpunon rrjetin dhe mund te gjej pamje, fotoo-per-klikim ose kosto-per-view skem. 2007 N nj raport t Shteteve t Bashkuara 'pasur njerz, Forbes raportoi se Sergey Brin dhe Larry Page ishin t lidhura pr # 5 neto me nj vler prej 18,5 miliard dollar secili. Aktualisht nuk kemi prkthime pr shqip anglisht n fjalor, ndoshta ju mund t shtoni nj? Pr vitin fiskal 2006, kompania raportoi miliard US $ 10,492 n total t ardhurat nga reklamat dhe vetm US $ 112 milion n t ardhurat e licencimit dhe t tjera. they contain information in albanian, english and serbian. Motori i krkimit pati fillimisht nofkn "BackRub". Ajo prfshin t tilla si ekstra diskun m shum hapsir pr e-mail, API qasje, dhe premium mbshtetje, pr nj mim prej US $ 50 per prdorues n vit. User will be satisfied with this Albanian - English dictionary because: - It has the largest vocabulary. Last Update: 2017-02-18 the opposition, the orientation of the card or even the apparition number are going to be as much element to identify all factors before making an honest summary of the draw. Make sure to check automatic translation, translation memory or indirect translations. WebiPad. Reference: Anonymous. Shumica e 271 milion aksione mbetur nn kontrollin e Google. Google ran dakord pr t bler kompanin pr US $ 50 milion.

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