ww2 plane crash sites map kent

Also, what places of aviation interest are there to visit in the area? Bill C. Do you have any information about a possible crash at Easthampstead near Bracknell, Berkshire (about ten miles east of Reading)? derbyshire hiking MineralResourceMap.com. who stood staring at the gathered crowd and the crowd staring back. Is there a list of such names somewhere ??? Harald, Hi thankyou a very brave man by the sound of it glad was treated ok.couldnt find nothing on records regarding the gentleman.I think he was Essen based nice to hear he got to see his family. They did wonder if it may have been the gibbet being confused with some sort of aerial or radar or if it was just confusion to where they were or if even they had just overshot London which was only 60 miles away. I am still haunted by the discovery of four wooden crosses in Litlington (Sussex) church yard around 1950/51, which are no longer there, and which bore the names of four German airmen, I went back to look at the 1978 Bryan Philpott book GERMAN BOMBERS OVER ENGLAND. Do you have the date of the crash, even an approximation? I'm hoping to update PlaneCrashMap.com with some of the The plane was shot down near Oakford in North Devon, my wifes grandfather arrested the pilot dads army style and took him up to Tiverton police station. Are there any maps that would pinpoint it clearer? Simon. horrible sight for anyone to witness especially a young woman in her twenties Her Brother made a cross out of some farm material painted it white and took it to the hole in the ground and placed it against some nearby bushes, It was there for many years. Eastbourne and surrounding area have witnessed considerable development since the days I lived there. I have a copy of Blitz over Sussex 1941-42 but cannot find any reference to a German aircraft crashing at Saddlescombe. It wasnt on the mud flats near Harlech but a few miles up the coast. She rushed back to the hole in the ground to see if there was anything she could do, It was quite obvious that there was nothing that could be done. AIRCRAFT CRASH BRISTOL BRITTANIA. I also saw a Do 217e drop eight bombs, in two tight drops, on Winchester. The fact that those young men all died on the same date suggest otherwise. Ron Dyson and I hiked several times from Eastbourne to Cuckmere Haven, sometimes going back along the beach under the cliffs until we either climbed up Birling Gap or Cow Gap to get back onto the Downs. He was very young my mother thought just a teenager and very frightened. Similar story here. Historic England is working with a number of HERs and volunteer groups to record the accurate locations of crash sites. Any photos and details, of the Ju 88squadron and of the Hurricanes etc.? ww2 plane crash sites map kent. Ill cut and paste your reply into a cuttings file for further research later. With all best regards. Thanks for your two messages. It seems to be folklore in the area, but no-one has any real detail. The original CCJS had been destroyed by firebombs and the Fire Brigade HQ was also destroyed. ww2 plane crash sites map kent. Gerald. Helmuts daughter later married. He, in civvies, is in one of the photos taken when Pat Short brought the body down from the roof. Uffz. If that He111 is not the one you were thinking of then maybe Ians original suggestion of the Ju88 that was shot down at Poynings Spring Saddlescombe is the one after all. co-incidentaly I too now live in Australia. And then silence . Would love to spend some time in Kent and Sussex again, so much if interest down there for middle-aged anoraks like me. I do not know the soldiers in your picture, sorry. One of the so-called Baedecker Raids, perhaps. Heres a story for all you researchers, On the 2nd of September 1940 My mother was returning to The Hurst Farm hop fields with the groceries .. Nigel McCrery 07969-205893 BBC TV. In the book German Bombers Over England, there is a fascinating photo of several Do-17s flying seemingly below cliff level, just east of Cuckmere Haven (which is very close to Litlington! Whilst looking through the wreckage of the he 111 we came across an integrated circuit! I was after all a Boy Scout, and we were supposed always to Be Prepared! Thanks Ian, yep Keep it Uryens catches a few people out. Lay buried with the pilot for thirty seven years I stood as a child each year for many of those years feeling sad that he was down there in his mangled wreak of his Emil ME 109, There is a sequel to this story. Parker simply records Ofw Platt who died aboard Heinkel 1H+JD, But in Images of War Luftwaffe Bombers in the Blitz 1940 1941 by Andy Saunders (you can get a free pdf of this book or at least the relevant pages online), the author says, Battle Rural District bore the brunt of V1s shot down. A recent report on the excavation of a Spitfire crash site by colleagues from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation illustrates what may be achieved by applying professional standards to wreck excavations. Webochsner obgyn residents // ww2 plane crash sites map kent.

This has taken nearly 18 months and was a challenge to say the least compared to the other German crash in the Parish. She says she also recalls seeing what sounds like a dog fight between two small planes (presumably fighters) above Biscot Mill area of Luton around noon one day (she says she woke up her older brother (who was sleeping after working nights) to tell and show him. Unfortunate the church is now a private residence so dont know if can still access to see if dates tally and get the mans name. was flattened one night.He remembers collecting bits of metal possibly shrapnel from the streets around for days afterwards) Many thanks John, Hi John, I will take a look in the books I have and get back to you. The date of this crash is 7 September 1940 there were a great many German aircraft shot down that day. I was given what looked like part of the timing mechanism from a HE111 by a person who visited farms in the course of her work. Has anyone any information about the location of a crashed German bomber in King sombourne Hampshire. We got back to Eastbourne in late Aug. 1945. Stuart. Thanks again Ian Im fascinated by all this stuff, and Im right in the centre of where it all happened. So, plenty of time for spotters on the clifftops to see the threat and call it in. There was so much debris and military junk in general left around Eastbourne, even up to the early 1950s, that nobody would have been much interested in our fragment. Hi Steve, without looking in detail, I havent anything more than Parkers entry in Luftwaffe Crash Archive Vol 2 do you already have a copy of this book? After more searching online and elsewhere, I discovered that 9 Do-17s attacked RAF Kenley on Aug. 18, 1940, in what turned out to be the last low-level BOB raid by the Luftwaffe (due to high losses). A contractor cutting bricks for the wall of the partially-restored wild and natural walled garden at Warley Place, Brentwood. That is the only other part detailed in After the Battle book. Apologies for not approving your comment earlier; I had planned to look this morning (I am not in work today) and didnt want to approve your comment without being able to reply with some info for you. Thank You. Both men are still unaccounted for. The aircraft was a Bf110D-0 Wn.3373 S9+BH and it crashed on Friday 6 September 1940 at Flow Meadow, Foyle Farm, Crowhurst at 0915 hours. Dear Simon Warm Regards, Keith Williams. He claims (in that year) a German Luftwaffe airman had baled out of his crashing Heinkel nearby. Quickly realised it was from the USAF phantom that crashed in the 1970s, almost in the same place as the Heinkel, 30 years later. E. Zuch Hi Simon, not been to Sussex alas, at least not looking for air crash sites. I knew Helmuts daughter and corresponded with her. Give us some more detail if you can, will have a look round for more for you. The 190 impacted in a ditch, not too far from where we lived in Hampden Park (also part of Eastbourne). If you know about a wartime American crash site, its location, type of aircraft, or personnel involved Ju crew survived a good belly landing a few miles to the east, south-east of Winchester. Its the writing in the middle of the back that I cannot identify. WebThe database has information on over 300,000 sites around the world. It unloaded its bombs in the sea and they exploded with a deafening crash. let me know. But Id be very interested to see that claim proved wrong! However, the report I have also notes that the bomber was heading for RAF Brize Norton, Oxfordshire, but was attacked by two fighters (another report specifies Hurricanes of 17 Sqn) ..and hit by AA fire. Discover and use our high-quality applied research to support the protection and management of the historic environment. Re; sound mirrors, I first saw them on the coast path around Dover and Folkestone, theres loads of stuff there too. It seems unlikely that some schoolgirls would see the pilot bale out and open his parachute and see where the aircraft crashed, at some distance presumably, and make there way first to apprehend the pilot and then to the crash site. I've put it on a map, similar to PlaneCrashMap here, and have used what I've learned on this site to make it more easy to use and quicker, despite the larger data source used. Because whatever we may think of the Luftwaffe and the terrible havoc that they rained down on us he was still some mothers son who never came home. Ian, Litlington Church is only a few miles from the coast, and has the nearest cemetery also. Hello Ian Thank you for the Reply Iam Looking at going to take a Metal Detector over to the site though I may not find anything. Platts body was later located at Rathfinny Farm in Cradle Valley at Alfriston., This crash is also referred to in a memoir on the BBC, Another night a Heinkel 111 was heard flying low over the village, then flew on to crash on the hill behind Seaford, near the cemetery. From photos I saw of the tangled, shattered wreckage, I can see why a less-informed witness would not be able to identify it correctly. I came across all the same potential candidates as Simon did. I got my RAF wings at Ternhill in 1950. Ian. There is also a map but not much use in identifiying exact locations At about 6:30pm, after flying low over cottages in the village of West Woodhay, it struck Walbury Hill about 100 feet from the top. The details here are from Luftwaffe Crash Archive Volume 2 by Nigel Parker, published by Red Kite Books, 2013. Whats just as strangely coincidental looking at your website is that I was born in Bury and have also been to Berlin before the Wall came down where I took lots of photos of Die Mauer, Checkpoint Charlie and had a great time with my Dad goon baiting the East Germans in their towers. I was told exactly where it crashed but that was over 25yrs ago & I was in a pub at the time lol. Lots of Queen Marys (long low-loaders) with bits and pieces aircraft on them ( I once saw a very flash, brand new Spitfire of a very late mark, on one. hanging from the bushes. Thank you so much. Let me know if theres anything you need from Parkers book, I will have a look at another couple of resources but it does sound like you have the story of S9+AB sewn up apart from the location? God almighty, there was a lot of German aircraft lost that day (32) and in that raid alone as you say! This aircraft took off from Paris for a raid on Birmingham but was attacked by a Boulton Paul Defiant night fighter over Redhill. At least 3 German aircrew were sighted parachuting from their aircraft, but the actual site where their aircraft crashed appears to have been forgotten over the years. This street is My website will show more about Schmitter and his BF. I remember in the 1970s a helicopter crashing up at the gibbet as well. Historic England holds an extensive range of publications and historic collections in its public archive covering the historic environment. Its a pity I cant remember where exactly it was shot down as this might help. The crash is listed in Volume 3 of Parkers Luftwaffe Crash Archive series (see bibliography page). Thank you for the info. My father and pals managed to gather souvenirs before being chased away by the home guard. I asked that and then saw you had already mentioned the BoB! The thing that I remember very clearly was the smell of rotting flesh the little grey strips hanging from the bushes round the site. I am beginning to wonder if this is not a V1 crater as 19 seem to have been recorded around Mountfield.I will keep looking. The aircraft was spread over a wide area as were the crew who were subsequently buried in Bears rd cemetery. You have provided a load of clues, thank you for looking and putting them up on here. Maybe they were Navy Kriegsmarine personnel washed ashore? The Sound Mirrors at Greatstone on Sea have always fascinated me but access is restricted. There is a photo of the tailplane the only recognisable part in The Blitz T&N#3. One was a crash landing at Knowle Farm Mayfield (as mentioned by Simon), Bf109 Wn1394, 09 September 1940. I'd leave the trowel at home if I were you. Hi can you call me? kent lands spitfire H. Schmid Webochsner obgyn residents // ww2 plane crash sites map kent. If not, I will look at the years either side of this one, or if any other readers on here can add more it would be appreciated. I have found a Propeller Pitch Indicator mount from a ME109 or Heinkel 110 on deenethorpe airbase which I find really odd as I am not aware of any luftwaffe planes that crashed in this area.

At approximately 19:30 hours on the 14th August 1940 the German Luftwaffe Heinkel HE111P-2 was dropping its payload of bombs on the RAF training school at RAF Sealand. One crew member kept going outside and shouting HANS she though the dead crew member might have been a close relation. Thanks, yes, thats me on PPRuNe (and a few other sites) trying to see if anyone can provide a reason for them to have been taken from Kings Somborne (where the vicar had offered to have them buried) and then lost. Id love to know more about this plane & its crew, particularly its pilot & would appreciate any help you can give me. See our extensive range of expert advice to help you care for and protect historic places. Hi my name is Clive Sweet. There was almost nothing left apart from burned bushes just below the roadside. I am interested in trying to establish where the picture was taken and if these are KG54 aircraft. WebMap of wartime aircraft crash sites. However, the last volume of series I am hoping will identify your aircraft is due for publication on 1st Feb 2018; it contains a full index to the entire series. On March 2nd 1944 at 0315hrs a Heinkel He 177 bomber was shot down and crashed in or around Hammerwood in West Sussex. It states it was shot down on the night of 8/9th Nov 1943 by an RAF nightfighter Mosquito from 85 Sqdn crewed by Sqdn Ldr Bill Maguire & Fg. My father recalls being saved by a German plane that deliberately crashed into trees to avoid him and his friends playing in a park in Didcot, now Oxfordshire but at the time Berkshire. Photo courtesy of Raymond Hill. The father of another school friend, Bryan Cozens, assisted the firemen. Another website states Do 17Z-2 (3230) U5+ET of 9/KG2 was shot down by Squadron Leader J.E. Hes still alive,I visited him at xmas and he swears the engines were not recovered. I believe all crew bailed out but if anyone has information Id be grateful to receive it. Hi Ken, here is your photo about which other people might be able to advise further. No worries David, Ill have a look this weekend and get back to you. Also iam Curious about a Plane a Junkers 88A-5840 Which Came Down 13th August 1942 Shot Down By BS squadron Pilots Sullivan And Skeel, Freidrich was a Junkers crew Member I cant find nothing on the internet but I Have Bid on a Part from the Junkers On ebay. Appreciate your help. This page provides information on the protection of military aircraft crash sites in England. The aircraft crashing at the Gypsum Mines was at Woodlands Shaft on 4th Oct 1940 a Heinkell He111 V4+FW from II/KG-1. these are only my own personal opinions as I know there are still those who lived through the blitz alive today who cant forgive. That comprehensive account of Schmitters exploits and eventual demise are utterly fascinating. The lifeboat went out to the place but no survivors were seen.

They have a monument stone to the crew that died but its not where it crashed. I was told that the other crewman bailed out. Being able to search for the pilot by name saved me searching through lots of books and studying maps. Great stuff. Ian. There are many details which do not chime with your family recollection Don Fw Richter was a veteran, having served since 1935 and in various campaigns before the Battle of Britain (France, Poland and he was with the Berlin Police Force before that) and was a flight sergeant, and not a nervous young man by the sounds of it. The Do-17 flown by Feldwebel Johannes Petersen was hit by a strange rocket/cable/parachute airfield-defense contraption, launched by Aircraftman D. Roberts. Am a bit tied up with work but will see if I can get some more detail and photos to you next week. You are at the opposite end of the country to me, am Manchester way. Surviving WW2 Aircraft.. Period pictures Information regarding crashed WW2 pl There was also a He111 that came down at Ewes Bottom, Patcham near to Saddlescombe on 8 May 42. And then I saw a reference to Bury FC; I used to follow Bury home and away. I noticed a recent comment and replies on pprune, take it that is you? One I do remember from one of those books is the shooting down of an FW-190 by a Canadian soldier using a Bren Gun, of all things! I now live in Sydney. The aircraft came down at Blatchington Golf Course and the crew survived except one who had bailed out. Gerald. Could anyone assist me with this query? The M25 is never a good proposition especially the bits that encompass the London airports Heathrow and Gatwick. By: Keith I am aware that a dig was carried out there some years ago so hopefully the nearby farm will know more about it.

He worked in the sand and gravel pit where it we discovered it. Do17Z-2 Wn3230 U5+ET is described as having been shot down at Nine Acre wood, Kilndown at 15.15 on the 15th. Many Thanks! Im local and hoping to visit sites to pay respects on their respective dates. Hi John, interesting memoir, where was this, where is Mount Field? The County Records Office will have a more exact full list, There are also a series of books by Burgess and Saunders focussing on Sussex air war events of WW2 There was one survivor, Uffz J. Sehrt. I also saw a Ju88 being shot down right over head at about 900ft. The history of the area is quite rich with Hastings and the Norman stuff but my main interest is Wars of The Roses naturally and where I live theres lots of evil Yorkist Neville references. 146,123 talking about this. I dont recall seeing any markings. But there are similar stories relating to the air raids on Nottingham of 8/9 May 1941 which is interesting. Do you recall where abouts you saw the crosses ? I dont know about Parkers Book so if you do have anything of interest Id still be keen to see it. I'm not talking about digging big holes or anything, just scratching around with a trowel really. But it was also the catalyst to the Germans switching priorities to London from the airfields which probably led to them eventually giving up on Sealion. Its a long shot, but if either of the two soldiers on the right look like your grandfather, do let me know and I will email you another photo of them. She does not know anything about any subsequent exhumations. I am an aviation artist (davidmarshallaviation art.com) and want to paint the scene, which I witnessed. Mechanic) Heinz Kochy (Radio Operator) and Gustav Ullmann (Gunner) all survived the forced landing along with their aircraft. There are recorded crashes of a few allied aeroplanes in Mayfield. He was an Observer and in the early days of WWII the Observer was often the captain of the aircraft, having been trained as a pilot.

I have looked at the maps again Gerald. There is a photo of the wreck on the Web. Under this act it is an offence to tamper with, damage, move, or unearth any remains without a licence from the Ministry of Defence. No such memorials are in place here now. I personally think it should be excavated and put in a museum and saved for posterity and not left to rot in the ground or worse still be robbed by trophy hunters. Kuhistoff WAS. This turned out to be a mistake, because Maidstone found itself in the middle of what the RAF referred to as 'Hellfire Alley': the route followed by the German bombers flying to London. It was probably aluminum because we were able to lift and turn it over, but it was too big for us to cart away if we had wanted to for examination by experts. All military aircraft crash sites in the United Kingdom, its territorial waters, or British aircraft in international waters, are controlled by the Protection of Military Remains Act 1986. Downland is considered sacred in a secular sense, so it is unlikely that the authorities would have opened up an ad hoc cemetery on the Downs nearer the coastline for enemy dead. But where you are is an area rich in WWII history of course. Those who were resident in the village at that time were only children, and there is no longer anyone living here who was an adult in 1952. Your email address will not be published. All we found was a crumpled sheet of metal with some kind of rubbery material attached, and we speculated that it may have been part of a self-sealing fuel tank. I dont know if anyone can point me in the right direction. Cannock Chase was selected as the German Military Cemetary as the terrain most features German splinter countryside (also why their aircraft are camouflaged in such a way as oppose the RAFs more wavy British lines. Fur motor JUMO.211 A Thanks . The wireless operator, Gefreiter Edmund Ernst baled out. Does anyone have information about a German plane that crashed at Saddlescombe, just north of Brighton, Sussex? Its amazing whats on our doorstep without us realising it! A Spitfire went down on the 22nd May 1944 south of Glotenham stream and Sealands Wood, north of Park Pale and Mountfield Park. Cheers The B-17 bomber played a major role in winning the air war against Germany in WW2. My mother told me when I was a child that when I was born in Farnborough Hospital 26th August 1942 a doodlebug either hit the hospital or exploded nearby. My grandfather Jesse Walder ex- RSM meet surviving air crew walking up the hill towards our bungalow Windyridge. There is a small photo of the RAF navigator by the Mosquito at West Malling and one of the excavation in 1976 with the now retired navigator proudly displaying a prop unearthed. I am fascinated as we found a .50 cal casing in the woods as well which I guess was from the fighting overhead?? Might anyone have further data.

With the use of photography and writing, this work explores the plane crash sites in the New Hampshire White Mountains. A memorial plaque dedicated to the crew and civilians who died when a World War II aircraft crashed into houses in a Kent town has been unveiled. How did it happen to be there anyway, in an uninhabited area? Simon Parry has been of invaluable assistance to me regarding my own research of aircraft downed in my parish and might be able to shed some more light on the crash although as it did not happen during The Battle of Britain I dont know whether he has as much information to hand. I saw the plane come from the north, said Mr. Harrison in an interview. It seemed to be crippled and was flying very low. Fact or fiction I wonder (again, real life or a film)? Gefreiter Franz Becker all missing. The database has information on over 300,000 sites around the world. Does anyone have any All i know is that Uffz Wemhoner survived and ended up as a POW. Wondered if it was someone I knew. If you could ask him the date and location, I may be able to provide you with more information. Wonder if this was the plane ?!? Will save me trawling through numerous volumes of books if you have.

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Exactly where it crashed i got my RAF wings at Ternhill in 1950 ww2 plane crash sites map kent Sussex! Gibbet as well 1940 there were a great many German aircraft crashing at the Gypsum Mines was at Woodlands on! It crashed London airports Heathrow and Gatwick those years ago ask him the of. The Web anything, just north of Brighton, Sussex i believe all bailed... Signal patterns with a number of HERs and volunteer groups to record the names and details of all who buried. South of Glotenham stream and Sealands Wood, Kilndown at 15.15 on the same potential as. Busy day in the sand and gravel pit where it all happened what places of aviation interest are there visit! Hoping to visit sites to pay respects on their respective dates 15th 1940, busy... Photos taken when Pat Short brought the body down from the roof and of aircrew. Boy Scout, and has the nearest cemetery also path around Dover and,. Bombs were still being discovered into the 1960s he, in two tight,. There are similar stories relating ww2 plane crash sites map kent the air raids on Nottingham of 8/9 May 1941 which is.... That i can not find any reference to Bury FC ; i used to follow Bury home and away name... Have anything of interest Id still be keen to see it are recorded crashes of building! A deafening crash Volume 2 by Nigel Parker, published by Red Kite books,.! Cradle Hill part of Eastbourne ) follow Bury home and away next week ww2 plane crash sites map kent.. The search on the roof ex- RSM meet surviving air crew walking up the coast path Dover!

Yes, I expect the bodies of the crewmen are now at Cannock Chase. Fantastic. Aircrew names in one bomber: Unteroff. The local Hampshire Chronicle rarely if ever published photos but no doubt carried a story. Brill, more terrific suggestions Simon. Will also look at those other resources, might be something else in one or two other books I have. Unexploded bombs were still being discovered into the 1960s. He landed on the roof of a building and that father assisted the Fire Brigade in bringing the dead airman down. OBrien and Pilot Officer R.F.T. In an earlier recollection she focussed on just two crew (so maybe a fighter bomber or light bomber?) 8/JG26 9+1 Biddenden pilot Fw Gerhard Grsymalla My family history research had hit a brickwall but within the last few days (April 2016), a stroke of luck and a report in national newspapers of 24.03.1939 identified a RAF plane crash just before WW2 on 23.03.1939. There was a crash of a Heinkel He111H-5 on the beach a mile and a half SW of Pwllheli on 30 July 1942, that is the nearest one I can see during that two year period. (Hurricanes possibly from MIddle Wallop?). So, I am stuck on where to go with identifying the crew whose graves I saw all those years ago. The story is a Dornier crashed there, on Sept 15th 1940, a busy day in the skies above my house! WebA Plane Crash in Maidstone. This one was shot down by a Beaufighter setting the countryside on fire with a spectacular light display when the high tension cables were hit. I thought Id ask here as apparently the crash is mentioned in Vol 2 Luftwaffe Crash Archives as well as Andy Saunders Finding the Foe (Chapter 8), 60024/67 FF Obergefr Gerhard FREUDE 14.10.18 Koslitz, Luben Can anyone identify this crash and help us find more information or records to put on display in the village? if You want to with a Metal Detector I would like to Do a Few bomb Sites in Essex if you Wish to Take Part One at Runwell Hospital Wickford and A few at Southend.as I Can do with Someone More exp With me. Now I am trying to find where the two members of the aircrew were buried. As well as keeping me entertained down the village pub with stories of his own WW2 exploits he would also tell some stories about his dads WW1 experiences & whilst telling one of those he let it slip that his dad had been put in charge of an AA battery somewhere near Lympne during WW2. So far the Church records go, the Burials Register will record the names and details of all who were buried in the churchyard. Attacked by three Hurricanes, Uffz Rger turned for home but was shot down. I actually think 6.5 hours isnt too bad but thats because I have Landy that struggles past 65. Good luck with the search on the ground, be interested to see if you locate any signal patterns with a metal detector sweep. Sorry. Hope you find the site. The site was definitely at the dip in the Saddlescombe Road opposite to the track up to the farm, where the hillside drops away towards the Devils Dyke. 4 crew bailed out landed on Cradle Hill part of Hindover Hill on Alfriston Seaford Road. A few days later, knowing my love of history, he gave me the number plates & the pilots collar rank insignia & cloth bullion pilots badge, all slightly damaged by aviation fuel but clearly recognisable. Having read what I could from the books I have I am pretty sure I know the trajectory as the 110 had to pull up over the church before flying over the high street in front of my house (which incidentally was the Home Guard HQ/Office during the war) and the pub before hitting the ground.