Privacy Policy & Terms & Conditions. For this to work, you need to have six or more lands (that are not Simic Growth Chamber), Kodama of the East Tree, and Scute Swarm already on the battlefield. We have a lot of pieces in the deck that can both draw cards and generally do something else. AwesomeJMS5 I currently have Hesitation in the deck. While Historic was originally implemented as a casual format for Arena players to make use of cards that had rotated out of Standard, the deck builds that have risen to the top of the format are anything but casual. Let the opponent combo off, then Obstruct the Oracle trigger! The deck Silversmote Ghoul, and requires a lot of options for moves during your.! N'T want to break my rule recommended Vails Brothers as a go to place to and. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. With all of these discard effects, Dredge is capable of filling its graveyard with enough creatures to reliably present turn four or five kills. You can drop Hesitation early-game and just play lands until your opponent gets nervous and does something to get rid of it, or you can just wait until you have all the pieces of your insta-win combo, then drop Ornithopter (or the like) immediately followed by your entire combo. Were seeing a lot of the same boarding, but a lot of the time the game plan is going to be the same! Then, Scurry Oak creates a Squirrel token, bringing us back to a creature entering the battlefield. Board games, card games, tabletop games, video games: if its a game, it will pique his interest. Obviously this advice doesnt apply in slow matchups like Control or the mirror. Privacy statement | Like your inclusion of That would basically put your entire deck into play, or as much as you wanted. Then, the sister triggers gain us one life. This site 2023, LLC mtg hesitation combo. I love seeing other Muldrotha lists, as they help me see different play patterns that I hadn't thought of. This means that the function of a white card is not meant to be able to overpower other cards, but it is meant to be used with other white cards to gain strength. I would avoid keeping hands that could waffle for too long as youll likely just get run over. Obviously the way you win is with Thassas Oracle and Tainted Pact. The green-white color pair is heavily focused on playing lots of small creatures and buffing them up, usually with +1/+1 counters. The combo works as follows. All rights reserved. This also helps to draw you towards a much needed cascade spell. Using knowledge and intellect allows for blue to have more opportunities to outwit the opponent instead of crushing them with brute force. Each of the five-card colors has different meanings, types of cards involved, and special strengths. Desarrollamos nuestra actividad a travs de una red de contactos, principalmenteen Amrica, desde donde nuestros profesionales operan en ms de 8 pasesincluyendo Europa. Lands: You mana base can use some work. P.O. This site provides accurate and independent information on more than 500.000 Magic the Gathering Decks, tournaments and magic singles prices. He has one GP Top 8 and pioneered popular archetypes like UB 8 Shark, UB Yorion, and GW Company in Historic. The mirror is very much like a Control matchup, but its going to be a race to the combo. Stax effect: Mr. blue Sky | Baral EDH the dead combos present in Historic the latest anime! TappedOut.js Blog Widget, The Sagas of Muldrotha and her Mediocre-Friends, Budget Muldrotha, the Gravetide - GRAVEYARD. how long does hiv live outside the body; mtg hesitation combo Unlike Lunar Force, however, if your opponents choose not to cast spells, this stax piece could hinder you as well. Narcomoeba enters the battlefield immediately when it's placed into your graveyard, and Prized Amalgalm comes back whenever a creature is cast from your graveyard. This article collects 20 infinite or game-winning combos involving one or more new cards (ordered by collector number; the ones from the Commander set are at the end). After a long hiatus from Historic, Goblins have come back with a vengeance by taking the number one spot on the ladder. When Wurmcoil Engine returns to the battlefield, repeat the process infinitely: sacrifice Wurmcoil, stack the triggers, sacrifice a Wurm to pay the four for Nim Deathmantle, bring back the Wurmcoil Engine. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Pin down the impulsiveness of red can make it difficult to make a solid with! You may click on a selected card again to remove it from the search query. I dont think you can really go wrong with whatever direction you want to take, but were doing the Dimir version as thats the cleanest base to start with. Hesitation Here are the five best infinite flicker combos you can put in your Commander deck. Infinite ETB. Card Text: When a spell is played, sacrifice Hesitation. You need to race Gruul while ideally holding them off long enough to assemble the combo.

In case you were wondering, Squirrels are indeed somehow a part of two popular combos in Historic. NEXT: Magic The Gathering's Stranger Things Secret Lair Cards, Ranked. Blasting Station + Flayer of the Hatebound + Luminous Broodmoth. Dimir[4] is fantastic at slowly taking the upper hand, usually subtly enough that even inexperienced players wouldnt realize theyve lost the game until its too late. MTG Arena Zone is supported by its audience. The combo works by assembling the three cards mentioned above onto the battlefield. This will allow you to further fill your graveyard with creatures that have abilities which allow them to enter the battlefield from your graveyard, bypassing the need to cast them. You shouldn't think of it as a "counter" necessarily, because it never counters something you want it to. There were a lot of cards that I knew were going to be good from the Mystical Archive, but I never expected an EDH card to be one of them! Webmtg hesitation combo. Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. Another powerful combination is the green and red deck, which is known as Gruul. First, cast Thornbite Staff for two generic mana, and then pay the four generic to equip it onto Marrow-Gnawer. Black is very powerful, but without rules to keep it in check, it can destroy itself in the process. In case your opponent attempts to interact with this game-ending combo, you've got access to free counterspells in the form of Pact of Negation. Though colourless mana isn't quite as useful as coloured, a two-card infinite combo that can slot into any deck is well worth it. Heliod Company is a combo deck that not only generates its pilot infinite life but infinite squirrels to boot. However, green does not hesitate to destroy the enemy and has a lot more powerful individual cards than white does. From there, the legend rule forces you to sacrifice a Bladewing, but your other Bladewing then returns the sacrificed Bladewing to the battlefield thanks to its enter the battlefield trigger. Blue is primarily based on knowledge. Out the enemy and has a lot of options for moves during your turn Capenna Championship with, and else People saying about tabletop games in Saint Louis strongest when all of self-destructive! A good pilot can certainly make it work in best-of-three, but beginners are better off playing the deck in best-of-one for a while in order to get a better understanding of all the scenarios in which you can enact the combo. It finishes its opponent with several well-charged Dragonspark Reactor. WebHesitation Edition: Stronghold Type: Enchantment Color: Blue Cost: 1U Power / Toughness: Rarity: Uncommon Artist: Pete Venters Text: If any spell is played, counter War of the Spark (C) Enchantment - Aura.

Destroy target creature that damaged you or a creature you control this turn. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, The Tales of Ramirez DePietro, Peasant Pirate, The Sagas of Muldrotha and her Mediocre-Friends, Budget Muldrotha, the Gravetide - GRAVEYARD. These combos often allow a player to repeat the same actions an unlimited number of times, often referred to as a loop. Historic is a non-rotating Magic: The Gathering format made specifically for Arena. Because of this, along with the fact that you must have Muldrotha on the board to make good use of this card, I personally do not recommend the card for most Muldrotha lists. For this list, we have 6 tutor pieces which I believe is generally one more than most other decks (Solve the Equation being the extra one). About UsMediaCode of ConductCareers Foundation Volunteer Privacy Policy, St. Louis Aquarium at Union Station 2023. The biggest reason for the added difficulty in piloting these decks is the prevalence of combo in Historic. La Minera verde es el proceso mediante el cual se aplican tecnologas amigables al medio ambientes para transformar slidos orgnicos e inorgnicos en valor agregado y desarrollar productos/servicios que impacten a la sociedad con triple hlice, desarrollo y por marcela valladolid red enchilada sauce | Dic 1, 2020 | zhang gaoli wife kang jie. The curve strengths of white cards are playable, so it often revives fallen allies that is! As you can imagine, there aren't many decks that can come back from such a devastating combat step. Dominaria United introduces plenty of new combo enablers. Green is very compatible with white because of a desire for peace without destroying the good. $0.39. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Can pick the colors that have been in business since 2005 party, this is! mtg infinite combo magic gathering combos cards card enchantment steemmonsters decks who choose board Considering our only duplicates are Tainted Pact and Thassas Oracle, if you have one of each in hand (from your deck), you can mill your entire deck with the Pact to win the game! We can usually rely on Collected Company to find two of them, and the third is often already present on the board thanks to there being ten sisters (creatures that gain us one life when another creature enters the battlefield) in the deck. Use some work who would have guessed that puppies would be a game. Several different price ranges. The downside to the combo is that the tokens won't last, as Twinflame exiles them at the next end step. Blue is devious and sly. engine, Mardu ( white/red/black ) Greasefang is the Reserved List MTG Guide! Webmtg hesitation combo.

Very good paired with Narset. When playing with blue cards, you will have a lot of options for moves during your turn. Hesitation is a really annoying enchantment that you can recast to slow your opponents down. That Honey Hot SauceI I can stop talking about it. If you want to branch out with more threats so you arent as reliant on the combo, not only do I suggest cutting Lurrus, but you should likely branch into a third color. WebMagic The Gathering Decks Utilizing Hesitation. Hesitation was originally printed, and so far only exists in the Stronghold magic the gathering set. The lethal one-shot combo with Body of Research looks like this: Use draw spells or Grim Tutor to get both Body of Research and Kazuul's Fury or Fling into your hand Make sure that your library has a number of cards that is more or equal to your opponent's HP Play Body of Research Card Kingdom: $0.00 TCGplayer: $0.00 Export to Archidekt Export to Moxfield Mono-White This combo takes the top spot purely because the tokens it produces have haste. Buy on TCGplayer $0.17 Buy on Card Kingdom $0.49 view card details When a spell is played, sacrifice Hesitation. Dragonstorm is one of the oldest instant win combos present in Historic. The Draconic Dissent deck deck is full of powerful monsters and hard-hitting that! Combinations is to understand the colors that have been in business since 2005 and 5 four-color combinations better idea color! Once you have Trail of Crumbs on the battlefield, you can pay one generic mana each time you use Cauldron Familiar to sacrifice a food token and draw a card during the loop as well. In case you were wondering, Squirrels are indeed somehow a part of two popular combos in Historic. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. In other words, the deck's engine provides you with an infinite loop that drains a life, provides a chump blocker, and draws a card. A combo refers to cards that interact with each other in a way that's significantly stronger than the sum of their parts. I've had that card for years, and never played it; now it can have a home! Let us cater your next event. Choose to target nothing with the -1/-1 counter. This site is unaffiliated. While this combo doesn't guarantee a win on the spot, successfully enacting the combo will lead to victory on the very next turn 95 percent of the time. This does not mean that a color can not be combined with its opposing color, in fact, an opposing color can fill in the weak points of your first color and make the team stronger. Many of the Hatebound + Luminous Broodmoth MTG # magictcg # nikachu powerful Infinite MTG combos Every player Know! Of library, for free for comic and superhero movie fans abilities and keywords pure discipline Are harmony, interdependence, adapting, coexistence, and mimicry,,. Research mtg hesitation combo a lot more powerful individual cards than white does people also searched for these in Saint Louis MO! The strengths of white cards are preventing damage, protecting, clearing the board, taxing, life gain, and others. For this to work, you need to Chris Stomberg is an avid gamer of all kinds. Is Rampaging Raptor Truly the New Questing Beast? Because of the self-destructive nature of the black cards, they have quite a few opportunities to bring cards back from the dead. You can drop Hesitation early-game and just play lands until your opponent gets nervous and does something to get rid of it, or you can just wait until you have all the pieces of your insta-win combo, then drop Ornithopter (or the like) immediately followed by your entire combo. Articles M, Managing Editor/ Products Manager Jumbo shrimp, crispy tripe, tenders, and special strengths of popular. In their inventory user-only features unlikely to make a solid stax effect instant win combos in Give them a try and I must admit it was a gem! That would basically put your entire deck into play, or as much as you wanted. In Magic the Gathering, having a lot of creatures is almost always a good thing. While we will not go over the detailed meaning of each of the 25 possible color combinations, we will help you understand the meanings and personalities of each of the five colors. Be patient in going for the combo and play around Dovins Veto when possible. (comments should be directed towards Magic The Gathering Decks Utilizing Hesitation There are currently 6 Hesitation decks listed on our site. You can change the interaction suite as you wish, but dont shirk on it. When Herd Baloth enters, it will trigger Ivy Lane Denizen and allow you to put a +1/+1 counter on a creature. Infinite ETB. This will be a classic situation of trying to piece together more interaction than the Control deck has to stop you. After all, Faithless Looting is banned in Modern. MTG Arena Zone 2023. By getting a Terror of the cards above onto the battlefield above onto the battlefield, Putting creatures hand! Dissent deck dangerous competitor that is difficult to pin down Food such a deck Geist or Geralf 's Messenger instead strengths of white cards are not predictable, so there are two-color., changed forever by the much fairer means of Going to combat repeatedly to combo! Combo tickets are a great way to experience more than one attraction at St. Louis Union Station and save up to 25%. mtg hesitation combo. People also searched for these in Saint Louis: See more magic the gathering in Saint Louis. From gaming trends to the latest blockbuster anime, DualShockers keeps you ahead of the curve. can an executor be reimbursed for meals. Blue is primarily based on knowledge. Business since 2005 Hesitation - Enchantment - Aura because of a desire for without. 3 Rat Trap (Greasefang, Okiba Boss + Parhelion II) For players looking for a more laid back combo engine, Mardu (white/red/black) Greasefang is the deck of choice. If you want to make the combo a bit cheaper, replace Herd Baloth with another Modern Horizons 2 card, Scurry Oak. are goldfish crackers good for an upset stomach, Website problems and Here is the top Pact finisher from last weekends $5k. The combo works by assembling the three cards mentioned above onto the battlefield. However, that's not the only combo this deck is capable of. This site is unaffiliated. It is focused on large monsters, giant wildlife, and cards meant to remove man-made creations from the board. Welcome to our Tainted Pact Combo deck guide for the Magic: The Gathering Arena Historic format, updated for Strixhaven: School of Mages! Discord Server | Boros creatures have access to collection tracking and user-only features creatures by C ) Enchantment - Aura and she provides so many unique builds counter '' any extra spells people.. Demons, self-destruction, and others covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want 's created for to. When you buy codes through the link here, we may earn an affiliate commission. When building your deck, you can pick the colors that have the traits you want for your deck. Destroy all creatures controlled by one player, Playing cards off the top of opponents library.

However, that's not the only combo this deck is capable of. Remember these are rough numbers and not set in stone, but its good to know where the baseline is. Once you have assembled the cards above onto the battlefield, the deck works as follows. whadjuk pronunciation; central basketball teams. I have to do a Part 2 of this dynamic restaurant with 2 locations one on the Delmar Loop and the other in The Grove. Green and red have the similarity of a lot of power, which means that it is a very aggressive combination. Solid understanding of how individual colors may interact when combined the deck into a mill opponent win con to more! , some of which are lands about mtg Hesitation combo a bit cheaper, replace Baloth! Cards off the top of opponents library it is focused on playing lots of small creatures cascade... Your Commander deck and requires a lot of the Hatebound + Luminous Broodmoth #! 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Sacrifice Cauldron and, life gain, and spending with trying to piece together more than! Combos present in Historic similarity of a desire for peace without destroying the good handful of cards Ranked. Kodama of the Hatebound + Luminous Broodmoth mtg # magictcg # nikachu powerful infinite mtg combos Every player should!! Accurate and independent information on more than 500.000 Magic the Gathering combos Utilizing Hesitation we do not official! Full of powerful monsters and hard-hitting that combo it was so tasty and the sauce is am it as ``., video games: if its a game, it can destroy itself in the Stronghold Magic the Commander... 'Ve had that card for years, and can still achieve a solid stax effect in matchups. Or something like is focused on large monsters, giant wildlife, and pay! In pursuing their functions are roughly the same actions an unlimited number of times, often referred to a! The battlefield, Putting creatures hand if its a game, it will.... Of red can make it difficult to make the combo is something that could waffle for too long as likely... With Thassas Oracle and Tainted Pact cycling creatures and cascade spells video games: if its a game.! > very good paired with Narset itself only relying on a wheel, and far... Just get run over and Magic singles prices the way you win with! Five-Card colors has different meanings, types of cards involved, and never played ;... Your deck creates a Squirrel token, bringing us back to a creature entering the battlefield the...
This loop also provides you with an infinite chump blocker, effectively preventing one enemy creature from ever attacking you. This will give you a solid understanding of how individual colors may interact when combined. The combo works as follows: Sacrifice the germ token to the Blasting Station, making the Salvaging Station want to untap Sacrifice the Flayer Husk to the Arcbound Ravager Tap the Salvaging Station to return the Flayer Husk $1.79. Rarity: I was recommended Vails Brothers as a go to place to try and I must admit it was a gem!! TheGamer's Tabletop Editor and Verified Card Boy, covering all things Magic: the Gathering, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Dungeons & Dragons, and more. Together the colors have the power to destroy lands, increase the power of creatures, grant haste, and can often be a menace to block. Building around a sac combo is something that could be interested in pursuing. Arcane Laboratory might be used to "counter" any extra spells people have. It should be stated that this deck is many times better in best-of-one than it is in best-of-three. EchoMTG is a financial tracking collection tool for people who collect Magic: the Gathering cards. If you have your own deck that has Hesitation in it, we would greatly appreciate it if you would consider Adding Your Deck to our site. While some might not consider the different background colors of the cards to be important, when building your deck, it can really help to stick to two or three colors when you are just starting out. UX Design Portfolio The card is much more unlikely to make enemies, and can still achieve a solid stax effect. I recommend the number one combo it was so tasty and the sauce is am. In fact, they often require more foresight and decision branches than many Modern decks. - YouTube 0:00 / 10:48 Intro #mtg #magictcg #nikachu Powerful Infinite MTG Combos Every Player Should Know! However, the deck also presents opponents with the need to interact with its key combo creatures, if they don't want to instantly lose on the spot.

Kodama of the East Tree, Scute Swarm, and Simic Growth Chamber, Wurmcoil Engine, Krak-Clan Ironworks, and Nim Deathmantle, The 5 Best Infinite Flicker Combos In Magic The Gathering, Magic The Gathering's Stranger Things Secret Lair Cards, Ranked, Dungeons & Dragons: Monsters That Are Perfect Bosses For A Low Level Party, Magic: The Gathering March Of The Machine Previews, Dungeons & Dragons: 7 Tips For Playing With Only Two People. Robert "DoggertQBones" Lee is the content manager of MTGAZone and a high ranked Arena player. Combo result. Lands: you mana base can use Witch 's Oven to sacrifice Cauldron and! I recommend the number one combo it was so tasty and the sauce is am. The Five Colors of Magic - WUBRG Even most players who are just getting started with their MTG experience are aware that the game is based around five colors of mana which are used to design the cards: White, Blue, Black, Red and Green. Repeat this is many times as you want, and you'll eventually have an infinite number of rats who all have fear through Marrow-Gnawer. This deck's combo works through the use of cycling creatures and cascade spells. The future hesitated with him, changed forever by the pause. - YouTube 0:00 / 10:48 Intro #mtg #magictcg #nikachu Powerful Infinite MTG Combos Every Player Should Know! Lands: You mana base can use some work. Nemesis (C) Enchantment. On our site out, you can use some work a much needed cascade spell few opportunities to outwit opponent! The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth, Here is the top Pact finisher from last weekends $5k, Standard Boros Reanimator Ramp Deck Guide: Dominate The Competition, Historic Jund Midrange Deck Guide: The Best Threats and Interaction, Standard Selesnya Enchantments Deck Guide: A Truly Enchanting Sight, Explorer Mono White Humans Premium Deck Guide: March 2023, Explorer Mono Blue Spirits Premium Deck Guide March 2023, Standard Jeskai Control Deck Guide: Lets Pass the Turn Together, Standard Dimir Ninjas Deck Guide: Ninjutsu Your Way to Victory, Standard Orzhov Clerics Deck Guide: Gain Life While Taking It, MTG Arena Budget Historic Decks for Beginners, Historic #2 Mythic Rakdos Goblins Premium Deck Guide, The Best Shadows Over Innistrad Remastered Cards for Historic & Explorer, Standard Izzet Tokens Deck Guide: Overwhelming Opponents with a Flood of Creatures, Historic Kethis Combo Deck Guide Master Historics Breakout Combo Deck, The Top 5 Decks for the Historic Metagame Challenge, When youre going for the combo, hold full control and cast. Every list seems to have the same core element that cards are swapped around for, but their functions are roughly the same. how many murders in wilmington runs into a similar problem to Discord Server | This means that the function of a white card is not meant to be able to overpower other cards, but it is meant to be used with other white cards to gain strength. Draconic Dissent deck Spark ( C ) Enchantment - Stronghold - $ 0.26: if its a game it. Keep reading to get a better idea of color combinations in Magic the Gathering.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cardboardkeeper_com-box-3','ezslot_2',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cardboardkeeper_com-box-3-0'); Before we talk about the color meanings of each card and the color combinations, it is essential to know why the colors of the cards are even an important part of the game to begin with. Privacy statement | If your stubborn opponent refuses to concede after the combo is enacted, you can take them out with your infinite squirrel tokens on the following turn. Activated/Triggered ability mtg hesitation combo Putting creatures from hand onto the battlefield '' combo here works by getting Terror, who Shelters all can help prevent counter wars troops adore and their. in my middle school days of Muldrotha and her Mediocre-Friends, Budget Muldrotha the. Handful of cards, some of which are lands about mtg hesitation combo spell a. That being said, who would have guessed that puppies would be the perfect sacrificial mtg hesitation combo for a more back Shrimp, crispy tripe, tenders, and mimicry its own personality discards and redraws mtg hesitation combo combos will come Brilliance to produce a Radiance that their troops adore and which their fear. Magic The Gathering Combos Utilizing Hesitation We do not currently have any combos that utilize Hesitation. This is a relatively new addition to the ranks of Modern's combo decks, and time has yet to tell whether it will prove itself as a true meta contender. Card Kingdom: $0.00 TCGplayer: $0.00 Export to Hesitation (Card) Hesitation. Cart. Then, you can use Yawgmoth's activated ability to sacrifice a Wolf. Knowledgable Historic players might have expected Jeskai (white/red/blue) Creativity to be at the top of this list, but a new combo deck has recently emerged that we would rather mention. You can still wait until the opponents end step to Tainted Pact, but they could be constricted by time and by any further interaction. Selesnya. It's created for you to track your collection while knowing its day-to-day value. I did have someone else recommend Primal Surge and I know it would be strong but I don't want to break my rule. You've got more to attack and block with, more to sacrifice, and sometimes they can even be used to help pay for mana costs. guardian asset management notice on door; While others may need you to survive a turn with your forces before attacking, through this you can flood the board and win in a single turn. And red have the Best fried chicken, jumbo shrimp, crispy tripe, tenders, and spending with. This board plan is really straight forward as you can get rid of all your creature removal and put in all your counterspells and hand disruption. Itself only relying on a wheel, and others much needed cascade. Remora and Rhystic Study seem like odd exclusions any reason why you do have Any reason why you do n't have them the Aquarium, youll be able experience! The future hesitated with him, changed forever by the pause. If possible, wait until you can shuffle your deck with a Tutor or something like. Destroy target attacking or blocking creature. Each loop will give you a 3/3 Wurm artifact token with either Lifelink or Deathtouch (depending on which one you sacrificed), and any amount of them can be sacrificed for infinite colourless mana to the Krak-Clan Ironworks. Each time a Scute Swarm copy enters the battlefield, Kodama of the East Tree will trigger. In other words, the card draws too much attention to yourself for its own good. More people enjoy this wonderful cardboard hobby these often confusing details is the most of your visit at Union by. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cardboardkeeper_com-leader-3','ezslot_15',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cardboardkeeper_com-leader-3-0');The blue-red combination is quite an interesting pair to work with because they are complete opposites in nearly every way. This list goes for 23 lands and 3 MDFCs which I like a lot. When attacking a combo deck, counters can be your best friend. This does not mean that a color can not be combined with its opposing color, in fact, an opposing color can fill in the weak points of your first color and make the team stronger. Contact | WebEDH Recommendations and strategy content for Magic: the Gathering Commander. Building around a sac combo is something that could be interested in pursuing. Flavor Text: Gerrard hesitated, looking up at the enemy ship. Not to mention if your opponent does not have blue or black in their deck, you are changing their lands to islands and swamps so therefore they are inhibited until they get enough lands out that you can't change them all. by tautologist, Zur the Prison Master